采样率表示音频信号每秒的数字快照数。该速率决定了音频文件的频率范围。采样率越高,数字波形的形状越接近原始模拟波形。低采样率会限制可录制的频率范围,这可导致录音表现原始声音的效果不佳。 根据 奈奎斯特采样定理,为了重现给定频率,采样率必须至少是该频率的两倍。例如,CD 的采样率为每秒 44,100 个采样,因此可重...
In: Ali HM, editor. Phase Change Materials for Heat Transfer. Elsevier: Amsterdam; 2023. p. 61–101. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91905-0.00006-X. Chapter Google Scholar Said M, Hassan H. An experimental work on the effect of using new technique of thermal energy storage of ...
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1. The Data Conversion Handbook, ANALOG DEVICES, Walt Kester, Editor, ELSEVIER 2005; 2. Technical Details of the Sabre Audio DAC, Martin Mallinson and Dustin Forman, ESS Technology Technical Staff; 3. About Jitter:Digital Audio's weakest link, AMM ESS, October 2011; ...
Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Xiaoqiang Zhai Section Editor information French National Center for Scientific Research, Laboratoire de Thermocinétique de Nantes (LTN), Nantes Cedex,, France ...
If you dabble a little bit in audio editing,Audacityis the way to go. It is a popular free, open-source audio editor and recorder. In addition to its advanced editing features, Audacity can also convert FLAC files to PCM format. You can proceed with the following steps to get the job ...
Stanford researchers have been using superlattice materials and flexible substrate to lower PCM (phase-change memory) switch power.