核心代码在fastvideo/distill.py中 用到了FSDP和序列并行SP mochi使用了lora,而hunyuan是全量微调的(还没我想着FastVedio跑一下hunyuan lora的fintune) 启动命令 torchrun--nnodes1--nproc_per_node8\fastvideo/distill.py\--seed42\--pretrained_model_name_or_path...\--dit_model_name_or_path.hunyuan-...
本届FAST的截稿时间为本月22日,没有设置摘要截稿时间。11月28日出审稿结果,最终结果为12月9日发布。具体信息如下: Paper submissions due:Thursday, September 22, 2022, 11:59 pm PDT Author response period begins:Monday, November 28, 2022 Author response period ends:Thursday, December 1, 2022, 11:59...
Alsa中PCM 1) PCM设备的句柄. 2) 指定同时可供回放或截获的PCM流的方向 3) 提供一些关于我们想要使用的设置选项的信息,比如缓冲区大小,采样率,PCM数据格式等 4) 检查硬件是否支持设置选项. 4.1) 初始化PCM变量 4.2) 分配hwparams结构 4.3) 打开PCM设备 4.4) 以声卡的全部设置选项空间来初始化hwparams结构 4.5...
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Anyway, [Bruce] being [Bruce], he noticed that the bits weren’t changing very often in anything more than the least significant bit: audio waveforms, sampled fast enough, are fairly continuous. This suggests using adifferential PCM encoding, which knocks the bitrate down by 50% and saves a...
This work focuses on developing an algorithm using Fast Parametric Curve Matching (FPCM) filters to assist clinicians in classifying EEG data and detecting interictal spikes. The proposed method was trained on each FPCM coefficient, achieving an average ROC AUC of 0.967±0.015, PR AUC of 0.9224...
Maday, B. Mennucci "Fast Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Continuum Solvation Models: Energy and First Derivatives" J. Chem. Theory Comput. 9, 3637–3648 (2013) Also, include one of the three following reference depending on whether you use this code in conjunction with a QM [3], ...
Flash based solid-state devices (FSSDs) have been adopted within the memory hierarchy to improve the performance of hard disk drive (HDD) based storage system. However, with the fast development of storage-class memories, new storage technologies with better performance and higher write endurance ...