PCIe卡的REFCLK是一种类LVDS信号(即Low Voltage Swing,Differential Clocks),其单端摆幅为0~0.7V,时钟频率为100MHz,精度为±300ppm。对于支持扩频时钟(Spread Spectrum Clocking,一种降低系统EMI的手段)的系统,正向综合精度为300ppm+2500ppm=2800ppm。即-300ppm~2800ppm。REFCLK的详细DC Spec和AC Timing要求如下表所...
These outputs are used as PCIe REFCLK. In the IMX6 hardware development guide (IMX6DQ6DLHDG) table 2-10 PCIe recommendations, It is recommended to place the termination resistors close to the receiver. In addition, the clocks are AC coupled between the IMX6 device and the PCIe connector on ...
These outputs are used as PCIe REFCLK. In the IMX6 hardware development guide (IMX6DQ6DLHDG) table 2-10 PCIe recommendations, It is recommended to place the termination resistors close to the receiver. In addition, the clocks are AC coupled between the IMX6 device and the PCIe connector on ...
配置控制器寄存器,将cache_en置为1启用CXL.cache接口,控制器读取PHY状态寄存器中的链路速率字段,若当前链路速率超过8GT/s,则启用low latency特性中的Headerbypass和Drift buffer功能;配置控制器寄存器中的cmn_refclk_mode=1使用同源的参考时钟;配置sris_mode=0关闭扩频时钟以确保参考时钟频率的稳定和一致性。
Table 6-1 outlines the high-speed interface signals requiring the most attention when laying out a PCB that incorporates a Texas Instruments PCIe device Signal Name PCIE_RXP PCIE_RXN PCIE_TXP PCIE_TXN REFCLKP/N Table 6-1. Critical Signals Description PCIe differential data pair, RX, positive ...
Table 6-1 outlines the high-speed interface signals requiring the most attention when laying out a PCB that incorporates a Texas Instruments PCIe device Signal Name PCIE_RXP PCIE_RXN PCIE_TXP PCIE_TXN REFCLKP/N Table 6-1. Critical Signals Description PCIe differential data pair, RX, positive ...
In the mostly used Common RefClk architecture, the clock is distributed from a single source to both RX and TX. This requires either a Clock generator with high output count or a buffer like the LMK00334. The buffer simplifies the clocking tree and provides a cost and space optimized ...
The coreclkout is derived from the PCIe Refclk, below are the posibilities of this problem: How do you connect the npor signal? Please ensure this signal is asserted or you may just tie it as "1" in the design. You may try to use the PCIe refclk as...
According to TI user documents, and also internal TI documents, it is enough to know that data lane interface IS compatible to PCIe specs and only the AC-coupling is needed.] Regarding the PCIE_REFCLK, is it support HCSL or LVDS? [PCIe uses HCSL for 100-MHz clock drivers] Do we...
I think coupling capacitors may be eliminated for REFCLKM/P but there was differential termination and AC coupled in the MCIMX6DL-SDP schematics. (Q3) Why reference clocks also AC coupled? Thanks. 0件の賞賛 返信 02-16-201804:04 AM ...