第二种是购买CDK,这里主要讲steam的key。除了Steam商店购买、收礼物之外,还有一种购买游戏的方式,就是直接购买游戏CDKey许多零售或网购平台开始售卖数字版游戏的Key,网上付款之后在Steam上输入激活即可拥有对应的游戏,这些零售商提供的key的价格大部分在steam史低左右,有些时候搞活动会低于steam史低。 总结: 对于自己喜...
经媒体PC Gamer的报道,售卖Steam key的游戏转售平台G2A再次站在舆论浪尖上,(玩家购买黑key游戏被取消、开发商无法收到一分钱,G2A则空手套白狼拿抽成),官方的后续公关更让事件继续炎上(都是临时工的锅)。事实上,2015年育碧的《孤岛危机4》就经历过大规模的黑key事件。对于开发者来说,这些灰色市场比盗版危害更深...
Buy THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII (PC) CD key for $5.10 (cheapest price ✔️) for Steam Key. King of Fighters 13 includes enhanced networking, full HD resolutions faste...
The Bat bargain is a "Star Deal," which Bundle Stars describes as "24-hour-only flash discounts which offer Steam games at best ever prices." Your fiver gets you a legitimate Steam key for the full game, the only catch being that they're available in limited quantities, so if they run...
购买的Steam平台游戏key,可到Steam平台左下角的“添加游戏”处激活。 EPIC平台 Epic商店地址:点击进入 下图: ①《最终幻想7重生》标准版(只有游戏本体) ②《最终幻想7重生》豪华版(含豪华版内容) 捆绑包可于下方的《最终幻想7重制版》页面查看。 《最终幻想7重制版》重制版EPIC商店页面:点击进入 ...
Best Steam Deck accessories in Australia for 2025: Our favorite docks, powerbanks and gamepads 2 Best graphics card for laptops in 2025: the mobile GPUs I'd want in my next gaming laptop 3 Best mini PCs in 2025: The compact computers I love the most ...
Buy Death Stranding (PC) key for $3.22 (cheapest price ✔️) for Steam Key. A brand new, genre-exciting experience comes from the legendary creator of...
Steam Holiday Sale now live Braid Valve kicked off its epic Steam Holiday Sale today, offering heavy discounts, flash sales, and catalog clearances lasting until January 5. And before we start drifting dangerously into wallet-pun territory, know you'll be able vote for a select game every 12...
地址:Buy Hogwarts Legacy Digital Deluxe Edition Steam Key | Instant Delivery | Steam CD Key (2game.hk) ChinaPlay 价格:270.4(需使用折扣券Hogwarts_cdkeynogap)(暂时缺货) 地址:购买 霍格沃茨之遗 数字豪华版 (chinaplay.store) tb(懂得都懂)