第二种是购买CDK,这里主要讲steam的key。除了Steam商店购买、收礼物之外,还有一种购买游戏的方式,就是直接购买游戏CDKey许多零售或网购平台开始售卖数字版游戏的Key,网上付款之后在Steam上输入激活即可拥有对应的游戏,这些零售商提供的key的价格大部分在steam史低左右,有些时候搞活动会低于steam史低。 总结: 对于自己喜...
购买的Steam平台游戏key,可到Steam平台左下角的“添加游戏”处激活。 EPIC平台 Epic商店地址:点击进入 下图: ①《最终幻想7重生》标准版(只有游戏本体) ②《最终幻想7重生》豪华版(含豪华版内容) 捆绑包可于下方的《最终幻想7重制版》页面查看。 《最终幻想7重制版》重制版EPIC商店页面:点击进入 配置要求 最低配...
is getting an overhaul, with locked crates set to be removed altogether. Not unlike CS:GO's system, these locked crates have always required a key to purchase, and keys can only be obtained with real world money: they cost $2.50 in-game, and at variable rates on the Steam Marketplace....
In a Steam sale long ago, on a whim, Samuel picked up the sandbox and construction game Space Engineers. For this feature, he and Phil teamed up to build a spaceship in it, to leave Earth in that spaceship and to fly it to the Moon—all without knowing how the game actually worked,...
Buy Death Stranding (PC) key for $3.22 (cheapest price ✔️) for Steam Key. A brand new, genre-exciting experience comes from the legendary creator of...
如回复楼层超过100层,每增加10层楼,加送1枚Key(10+枚Key,获奖几率很大哦!) 活动时间:6月30日-7月20日 奖励发放:随机Roll楼的方式,于截止时在本帖更新 活动奖励:10+枚Steam Key 活动规则: 1) 登陆Steam平台,将《摇摆地牢》加入您的steam愿望单(愿望单截图需要看到您的Steam昵称哦!),把愿望单截图回复至本帖...
Cities: Skylines - Steam Account EN/DE/FR/IT/PL/ES Global in stock 🏴 $7.16 Visit store Cities: Skylines (PC) Steam Key GLOBAL in stock 🏴 $7.52 -3% with XXLGAMER = $7.29 Visit store Cities: Skylines EU Steam CD Key in stock 🏴 $7.57 -3% with 3XXLGAMER = $7.34 ...
(发现手机浏览的话不方便加愿望单,就不需要截图啦~回复就可以参与抽Key啦!) 当然能加个愿望单就更好了👇👇👇_(:з)∠)_ ⭐Steam商店页面:【网页链接】 具体抽Key时间要看我们啥时候上传更新的版本了。。十一前没问题的!flag就立这儿了! 重点补充:因为测试阶段想要得到大家的反馈和建议,希望可以通过QQ联...
Buy Dying Light - Savvy Gamer Bundle as a Steam key at Gamesplanet.com No one wants to get their screen scratched, but some situations require sacrifices. Like the zombie-apocalypse situation. It’s either this new, shiny tablet or you. And in Harran, you must always choose you. Fortunatel...
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 now has Steam Workshop support, and of course one of the first mods lets you adjust the 'jiggle physics' 'Siege 2 was never on the table': Rainbow Six Siege X director explains why the 10-year-old FPS doesn't need a sequel The best deals in the 2025...