经媒体PC Gamer的报道,售卖Steam key的游戏转售平台G2A再次站在舆论浪尖上,(玩家购买黑key游戏被取消、开发商无法收到一分钱,G2A则空手套白狼拿抽成),官方的后续公关更让事件继续炎上(都是临时工的锅)。事实上,2015年育碧的《孤岛危机4》就经历过大规模的黑key事件。对于开发者来说,这些灰色市场比盗版危害更深...
" - PCgamer.com "The Russian nesting dolls of Stacking are every bit as enchanting on the PC as they were on consoles." - GameSpot.com From Tim Schafer’s Double Fine Productions, explore a vintage world inhabited by living Russian stacking dolls as you jump into more than 100 unique ...
回车运行,重复步骤1 3. 打开我的电脑,找到steam安装的文件夹(不是游戏库位置),搜索找到hid.dll文件。确定是删除这个steam文件夹下的,不要删除系统dll,会导致系统不正常。 右键删除这个文件,再重复一遍步骤1,确认是Restricted后再继续,不放心可以把steam卸载,这样不会删除游戏,放心。 4. 打开你的杀毒软件,来一个...
《浪人崛起》更新发布:PC版新增画面模式 改善卡顿和丢存档问题 Steam版《浪人崛起》今日发布Ver1.09.0.2版本更新,改善PC版优化差的问题,并解决此前出现的丢存档问题。 新增“游戏模式”选项。针对游戏整体的画面设置,可选择“画质优先”或“FPS优先”。当电脑负荷过大,运行缓慢时,选择“FPS优先”可以动态调整画质,使...
We have bimonthly development livestreams with chat Q&A, an active Discord server, and several forums (including Steam and reddit pages) that we monitor. We are always open about our goals, within reason, and communicate regularly about development progress.” ...
Death Stranding Steam Key GLOBAL in stock 🏴 $161.31 -3% with XXLGAMER = $156.47 Visit store Death Stranding Global in stock 🏴 $202.58 Visit store Death Stranding Standard Edition Steam CD Key in stock 🏴 $204.32 -12% with XXLG12OFF = $179.80 Visit store Death Stranding...
PC MAC 最低配置要求: 操作系统: Windows XP 处理器: 1.5 GHz, single core 内存: 1 GB RAM 显卡: Any 磁盘空间: 100 MB 可用空间 建议配置要求: 操作系统: Windows XP 处理器: (2.0 GHz, single core) or better 内存: 2 GB RAM 显卡: Any 磁盘空间: 100 MB 可用空间 ...
Retail_game_keysExcellent seller 97%Positive feedback 5655 About this item Elex (PC) for Steamplatform is a digital product – no box included. Thepriceapplies to a digital version of the product. Basic info Details Release Date: 17 october 2017 ...
PC Gamer reserves scores of 90% and up for the best of the best—games we think are important to the hobby as a whole. Here are some recent games that fall into that exclusive category. 阅读完整评测 [www.pcgamer.com] 由于您的商店内容偏好,有 100 个隐藏项目。在此处更新您的商店内容偏好...
获奖作曲家Knut Avenstroup Haugen将到场谈论《沙丘:觉醒》的音乐,而世界总监Jean-François Gagné将展示并介绍阿拉基斯令人惊叹的开放世界。直播将由Funcom高级公关经理Natascha Röösli在Funcom的Twitch频道和Steam上主持。 欲了解更多关于《沙丘:觉醒》的信息,请访问游戏官方网站。玩家今日即可通过下载Steam上的角色...