2.质粒(Plasmid)的概念 质粒是生物细胞内固有的、能独立于寄主染色体而自主复制、并被稳定遗传的一类核酸分子。质粒常见于原核细菌和真 菌中,绝大多数的质粒是 DNA 型的,少部分为 RNA 型。天然 DNA 质粒大都具有共价、封闭、环状的分子结构,其分 子量范围:1-300 kb。细菌质粒是基因工程中最常用的载体。
Plasmid pBV220 是从南方中国的 Guihong 张教授的一件亲切的礼物农业大学 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 质粒pBV220 是一个善良的礼物从华南农业大学第张桂红教授 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 质粒pBV220是从华南农业大学Guihong张教授的一件亲切的礼物 ...
E-mail: eyezhanghua@yahoo.com.cn 1 http://www.paper.edu.cn 图 1: pBV220 的限制性内切酶图谱 Fig.1 Restriction map of plasmid pBV220 1.2 工具酶和实验试剂:限制性内切酶 EcoR I, BamH I, Sma I, TaqDNA 聚合酶,T4 DNA 连 接酶, 考马斯亮兰 R-250 染色, 牛血清白蛋白和淋巴细胞分离液等...
totheirCterminusandcanbequicklypurifiedbyonestepimmobilizedmetalafinitychromatography(IMAC).Thisplasmidis verifiedbyrestrictionmapandDNAsequencing.Subsequently,thememsmsissuppressorgenenm23-H1cDNA(withoutthestop codon)wasclonedintovectorPBV223inframewiththe6-histidinesequence,hydroxylamineandthrombincleavagesites.The ...
Fig.1RestrictionmapofplasmidpBV220 1.3感受态细胞制备(CaCI2) 接种0.1mlEcoliDH5α菌种入10mlLB培养液 中。37℃剧烈振摇(摇床速度3000r/min)2~3h (OD600约为0.4)。超净台取菌液1.5ml入无菌离 心管,8000r/min离心5min。(以下各步均在无菌条 件下);打开离心管,弃上清,加入0.5ml预冷的CaCI2 ...
This plasmid is verified by restriction map and DNA sequencing. Subsequently, the metastasis suppressor gene nm23-H1 cDNA (without the stop codon) was cloned into vector PBV223 in frame with the 6-histidine sequence, hydroxylamine and thrombin cleavage sites. The soluble nm23-H1 fusion protein ...
The new plasmid pBV220/ NT4–ADNF–9 was then used for secretory expression of ADNF–9 in prokaryotic cells. We hope this technique will facilitate future studies on gene therapy for neurosensory deafness. Materials and Method 1. Bacterium strains, Plasmids, Enzymes, and Agents DH5a competent ...
注册/登录 pBV220-pelB-PD-1 平台编号:zl-013350 相关信息:大肠杆菌 注意事项:仅用于科学研究或者工业应用等非医疗目的不可用于人类或动物的临床诊断或治疗,非药用,非食用(产品信息以出库为准) 详情描述 售后服务 启动子: pR,pL 复制子: pUC 原核抗性: Amp ...
(29.63±4.95)×107 and the cell sequencing showed its correctness of the plasmid transformed.Conclusion The various influence factors for the transformation efficiency of pBV220-PTD-tCNTF into the E.coli(BL21) are analysed,and its best levels combination of the factors A1B1C1D2E1 and a ...