进入PayPal官网打开浏览器,访问 PayPal官方网站 ,在页面右上角选择“Sign Up”(注册)。选择账户类型PayPal会提示您选择账户类型,分为“Personal Account”(个人账户)和“Business Account”(商业账户)。选择“Business Account”进入下一步。商业账户适合企业和个体商户使用,功能更加完善,适合大额交易和跨境收款。
我们建议您定期检查并更新PayPal账户上登记的手机号码,确保登记的是最新信息。 在PayPal网站上添加、更改 或 移除 电话号码的方法 如下: 前往设置。 在电话 号码 部分: 点击+新增 以添加新的电话号码。输入详细信息,然后点击 添加 电话 号码。 (请记得验证 该号码)。 如需编辑您的电话号码, 请点击该号码...
如果你的银行不在他的列表里面,就可以在搜索框里面随便乱填一串字符,然后就可以看到这个Enter your bank details。 点击这个按钮之后,就弹出手工输入银行路由号(Routing Number)和账户号(Account Number)的页面,在这个地方填入你的银行信息,点击Agree and Link。 对于不支持在线验证的银行来说,一般是通过2笔小额验证的...
How do I confirm my phone number? Can I change the address on my PayPal account to another country? How do I view or edit my account information? How do I add, change, or remove a street address on my PayPal account? How do I add and confirm, change or remove a phone number on ...
点击“re-adding your phone number”,https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/profile/flow/phones/add 会...
1.What is PayPal Business and Personal account verification? 2.How to verify your Business and Personal PayPal account and add your credit or debit card PayPal Business account verification: Link and confirm your bank account How to get a PayPal Personal account verified?
If you are looking for more insights on how to leverage PayPal for businesses, reach out to receive guidance and support to help your business grow
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Manage your account any time, anywhere Access a powerful shopping network Pay with PayPal Credit, and get6 months special financingon purchases of $149+ at millions of online merchants that accept PayPal. Subject to credit approval.See terms. ...
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin; using Owin; using WingtipToys.Models; namespace WingtipToys.Account { public partial class Register : Page { protected void CreateUser_Cl...