Below are some clips we've found from PayPal's phone menus and tips that help give an idea of what you will encounter when you call. We've highlighted why they are important as well: They may need the phone number on your account "Thanks for calling PayPal. This call, including convers...
PayPal customer service phone number ???Sent money (Goods and Services) and found out an hour later it was a fraud. Wanted to call PayPal to cancel that transaction. Looked all over to find a phone number to call and speak with a rep. Strange that it is nowhere on their webpage. ...
Why is the phone number not visible on the packing slip pages. Most shippers require a phone number these days. Transaction Inquiry Login to Me Too 0 REPLIES Haven't Found your Answer? It happens. Hit the "Login to Ask the community" button to create a question for the PayPal commun...
To find the PayPal phone number, click Contact at the bottom of any PayPal page. We want to connect you with the right customer support team, so you'll be asked to select the reason for your contact, and then you'll be provided with contact options. To contact us on the website:...
making sure the name matches your PayPal account name; photocopies or laminated copies are not allowed. If you drop off during the call, you can return and resume where you left off. If you are unavailable, you can schedule a call with our agents, who are live from 7 AM pm to 10 PM...
Additionally, DHL allows payment through PayPal, a widely recognized and secure online payment platform. For businesses and frequent shippers, we offer the option of setting up a DHL account for invoicing and payment. With this account, customers can conveniently manage invoices and make payments ... Login to Me Too Login to Reply or Kudo Previous page 1 … 33 34 35 … 503 Next page Haven't Found your Answer? It happens. Hit the "Login to Ask the community" button to create ...
Xoom Transaction Number *Subject *Description Contact Support Form Submit Call Us United States and Canada Phone Numbers Languages and Hours (877) 815-1531 (toll free); +1 (415) 395-4225 English, Spanish and Filipino: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Eastern Monday–Sunday ...
You can process any transaction with PayPal and thus, this transaction being process is easy and quickly accessible. Palmpay as an app was launched in Nigerian in Lagos in November 2019 and since it’s launched, it has offer amazing services to its customers. ...
National number of phone number. 4-12 digits. Required. last_nameString The last name. masterpass_cardsarray Masterpass cards associated with the customer. payment_methodsarray Payment methods associated with the customer. paypal_accountsarray