or ordersfordividendsorother moneys payable in respect of a share sent by the Company to the person entitled thereto are left uncashed on two consecutive occasions or on one occasion if such cheque, warrant or order is returned to the Company undelivered, the Company shall not be obliged to ...
our employees;paying taxesandduties in the regions where we operate; understanding [...] hsbc.com hsbc.com 經營有道的銀行,必須能提供 客戶所需所想的產品與服務、重視人才、在業務所在地區 履行稅務責任、瞭解和管理業務營運對環境的直接及間接
Documents Against Payment (D/P) Documents Against Acceptance (D/A) Cheque and Bank Draft ... 分享15赞 会计吧 绿星石咨询 财务顾问之国际贸易信用证收付流程图 信用证基本当事人 1.开证申请人(applicant):又称开证人(opener),一般为进口人,是信用证交易的发起人。 2.开证行(opening bank;issuing ...