Don’t forget to also include a paying-in slip or to write your account details on the back so we know where to pay the money. In a branch We don't have branches - but our friends over at HSBC do. So if you need to pay in cheques, you can drop into your local branch. You ...
Since there are no branches you’d normally need to go to an HSBC or a Post Office to pay in a cheque with First Direct. However, in June 2020 the bank added the option to do this via the app, oryou can also post them to the bank. ...
of exchange confirmedbyabankandother financial guarantees are excepted from this rule. 但是,银行担保、保 险担保、银行确认的汇票和其他金融担保不 受本条限制。 Money can be transferred to Australiaby bankdrafts or cheques ...
must be made by cheque from the Treasury or through a bank transfer. 科特迪瓦的财政条例规定,所 有超过 600 美元的资金转移必须通过国库支票 或银行转账形式。 [...] interest or other sum payable in cash to the holder of shares may be paid, at the...
Similarly, Centrica's Laidlaw is on the pay committee of global banking giant HSBC, where boss Stuart Gulliver received a [pounds sterling]7.2 million pay cheque. Research by the High Pay Centre, an independent thinktank set up to monitor rewards at the top of the scale, found that no fe...
Do you think that the immediate performance of a corporation, which may contribute to the executive pay cheque, may have some negative consequences in long term? Viktor O. Ledenyov, Ukraine Margaret Ewing:The critical factors to the acceptance and success of any board’s strategy are: the clea...
You also can use the bank quick cheque deposit machine to enter the check into our account then the receipt together with the user name and the talk-back facsimile to (852)83445973 or the email to。 e-Cheque Upload an e-Cheque throughHSBC e-Cheque Drop Boxand make ...
funds; executemonthlyremittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income tax to United Statestax-payingstaff members ...
to managetheinvestmentsandliquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and distribute cheques for the reimbursement of income tax to United Statestax-payingstaff members...