从初中时候第一次在理发店里接触PM到现在,已经过去12年有余。Paul Mitchell(PM)和Sabon一样属于我一直会囤在家里的、用过几乎全线产品的品牌。不过认识Sabon也就不过短短4、5年时间,也还没有到缺他不可的境界。但PM的确是一直跟着我从国内到了日本,又从日本到了美国。 先说一下我的情况:因为有洁癖,我每天...
Ingredients reviewed for Paul Mitchell Baby Don't Cry Shampoo to be 82% Top Allergen Free and free of Gluten, Coconut, Nickel, Lanolin, Talc, and Paraben
Get a head start every morning and experience the invigorating tingle of this #1 best-selling tea tree shampoo. Made with special ingredients, it helps wash away impurities for a scalp with a fresh, clean feeling and hair that looks full of vitality and luster. Tea tree, peppermint and laven...
品牌: 宝美奇(Paul Mitchell) 商品名称:宝美奇(Paul Mitchell)洗发露Shampoo One 洗发水温和清洁顺滑滋样毛躁发丝1L奶油椰子味 NO COLOR 1L 商品编号:10034253524097 店铺: a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:MACY^5496593 适合头皮:多种肤质适用 功效:水润,柔顺,亮泽 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 ...
Is Paul Mitchell shampoo 2 sulfate free? Gets the deep clean every month my hair needs after using color safe, sulfate-Paul Mitchell ShampooTwo free shampoo. No color loss and scalp feels fresh. BEST PAUL MITCHELL PRODUCTS | Paul Mitchell Shampoo Review | Cruelty Free Shampoo And Conditioner ...
Paul MitchellForever Blonde Conditioner 4.7 (106) $24.00 - $43.50 Paul MitchellForever Blonde Dramatic Repair Leave-In Conditioner 4.7 (51) $24.00 Paul MitchellPlatinum Blonde Purple Shampoo 4.5 (435) $19.50 - $42.00 Paul MitchellPlatinum Blonde Purple Conditioner 4.5 (37) $7.50...
Paul Mitchell's Awapuhi shampoo for the second wash and condition. My hair has never been as healthy and shiny looking since using these products. My husband uses P Michell's TT Shampoo too as it keeps his dandruff in check. Could not recommend this product enough. Please do not ...
品牌: 宝美奇(Paul Mitchell) 商品名称:宝美奇(Paul Mitchell)Original Shampoo One洗发水洗发露清洁滋养蓬松花瓜甜瓜花香 No Color 500ml 商品编号:10034254781975 店铺: a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:MACY^11817955 适合头皮:混合性 功效:控油,滋润 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承...
推荐一款我的爱用物:Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo。不知道最近是因为天气转变还是别的什么原因,无论我洗多少次头,头皮还是很痒而且有很多头皮屑。试了它后头皮不再痒头皮屑减少而且洗完清清凉凉的很舒服,掉发的问题也得到改善。用对shampoo还是很重要的 http://www.amazon.com/Paul-Mitchell-Special-Shampoo-...
京东(JD.COM)为您提供宝美奇(Paul Mitchell)Original Shampoo One洗发水 温和清洁1L NO COLOR 1L、惠润洗发露的详细参数信息对比,告诉您宝美奇(Paul Mitchell)Original Shampoo One洗发水 温和清洁1L NO COLOR 1L和惠润洗发露的区别,供您参考宝美奇(Paul Mitchell