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Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Duo Shampoo & Conditioner This dynamic Tea Tree duo from Paul Mitchell combine forces to give you energised, refreshed and soft hair that looks, smells and feels amazing. This Tea Tree Special duo boasts innovative ingredients that work to deeply cleanse and nouri...
Der niedrigste Preis für Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo 300ml beträgt derzeit 21,50 €. Dies ist der günstigste Preis im Vergleich zu 7 anderen Shops. Vergleiche: Paul Mitchell Haarpflegeprodukte Paul Mitchell Shampoos Spezifikationen Produkt Produktname Paul Mitchell Tea Tre...
Explore John Paul Mitchell Systems’ family of brands, including Paul Mitchell, for salon-quality hair products and styling tools.
评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.0 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 宝美奇(Paul Mitchell)Clarifying Shampoo Three洗发水300ml NO COLOR 300ml 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息 税费详情: ...
Paul Mitchell Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo (1000ml)海淘折扣及返利。更多正品美妆护肤海淘,请访问米饭粒。
品牌: 宝美奇(Paul Mitchell) 商品名称:宝美奇(Paul Mitchell)洗发露Shampoo One 洗发水温和清洁顺滑滋样毛躁发丝1L奶油椰子味 NO COLOR 1L 商品编号:10034253524097 店铺: a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:MACY^5496593 适合头皮:多种肤质适用 功效:水润,柔顺,亮泽 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 ...
Paul Mitchell茶树油洗发水成分 Paul Mitchell品牌的专业护发产品可在沙龙和一些零售商处购买。该品牌提供的一种特色产品是Tea Tree Special Shampoo(茶树专用洗发水),该配方可去除头发上的杂质,并被认为可以改善头皮屑。这款洗发水中的茶树油和其他成分除清洁头发外,还具有其他好处。
Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo 300ml Enhance your hair's vitality and lustre with this energising and refreshing Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo. This invigorating shampoo features a special combination of cleansers and Australian tea tree oil to leave hair refreshingly clean. Paul Mitchell Te...
这款Paul Mitchell 宝美奇 All I Want 豪华洗护礼盒套装,内含茶树洗发水300mL*1、茶树护发素300mL*1、茶树健康皂150g*1、茶树头发定型霜85g。Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo茶树洗发水,富含取自澳洲茶树油中的Melaleuca Alternifolia成分,能够有效清洁头皮和头发,增加头发的活力光泽,并让头发更加柔顺易打理...