Zoe Peterson's commentary on this article responds to one of 5 critical points I make, that the description of the ideal sexual adolescent who feels pleasure, desire, and subjectivity may be ironically similar to the commodified, sexualized, marketed teen girl. Here I correct some mis...
(注:假如是其它物种,若不清楚种属缩写,可点击“Organism”,在弹出窗口里通过输入种族全称来检索缩写 )。 图中Entry代表通路识别号,Thumbnail Image代表通路图缩略,Name代表通路的名称,Description代表对通路的描述,Object代表对象,最后的legend代表说明。 可以看到检索结果共有2...
Sultana Baby
富集分析是生物医学论文中非常常见的一类分析,例如GO富集分析,Pathway富集分析等。其结果一般包括以下几个要素:1,名字(GO term或者KEGG description);2,该名字中包含的基因;3,该名字中包含的基因的P值等。常见的绘图包括:气泡图,条形图。今天我们利用GOplot R包,来绘制一个弦图(chord plot)。 弦图简介:下面这个圆...
富集分析是生物医学论文中非常常见的一类分析,例如GO富集分析,Pathway富集分析等。其结果一般包括以下几个要素:1,名字(GO term或者KEGG description);2,该名字所包含的基因数目;3,该名字所包含的基因与…
富集分析是生物医学论文中非常常见的一类分析,例如GO富集分析,Pathway富集分析等。其结果一般包括以下几个要素:1,名字(GO term或者KEGG description);2,该名字所包含的基因数目;3,该名字所包含的基因与进行富集分析的输入基因的重叠数目;4,富集的P值、FDR值等。富集结果的常见绘图方式包括:气泡图,条形图,弦图等。今...
Results 4MP pathway description. The 4MP pathway design does not rely on the simple transfer of a single recombinant pathway; rather, it relies on a patchwork of enzymes from multiple organisms and multiple natural pathways (Fig. 1). Figure 1 presents the overall pathway as a composite of ...
The initial motivation of this modeling approach was to shift the burden of modeling to biological description and biological data. We deliberately sought to develop a modeling paradigm that imitates the logical reasoning that biologists use when analyzing a complex pathway diagram to understand its fun...
The energy system optimization model is based on a linear optimization of the system parameters under a set of applied constraints with the assumption of a perfect foresight of RE power generation and power demand. A multinode approach enables the description of any desired configuration of subregions...
Pathway::Error is a helper class to represent the error description from a failed operation execution (and also supports pattern matching as we'll see later). Its use is completely optional but provides you with a basic schema to communicate what went wrong. You can instantiate it by calling...