Pathology of thyroid gland. In: Loyd, RV, editor. Endocrine pathology: differential diagnosis and molecular advances. 2nd ed. New York: Springer; 2010. p. 181-236.Kahn A, Nose V. Pathology of thyroid gland. In: Lloyd RV, ed. Endocrine Pathology, Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Advances...
(1938), Surgical pathology of the thyroid gland. By Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D., Surgeon to the Agnes Hertzler Memorial Hospital, Halstead, Kansas; Professor of Surgery, University of Kansas. 6½ × 6½ in. Pp. 298 + xviii, with 238 illustrations. 1937. Philadelphia and London : J. ...
Pathology of the thyroid gland complicating pregnancy☆. CharlesH. Frazier x Charles H. Frazier. Search for articles by this author. , MD. , Henry F. Ulrichx Henry F. Ulrich. Search for articles by this author. , MD.DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9378(32)91125-9 被引量: 9 ...
This requires a broad integration of toxicology and pathology with knowledge of reproductive endocrinology, development, and comparative biology. This chapter reviews the pathology of the male and female reproductive system, including the mammary gland in females. In males, the functional anatomy and ...
The article discusses thyroid gland follicular carcinoma as a malignant epithelial neoplasm of follicular cell differentiation that shows capsular and/or lymphovascular invasion while lacking nuclear features of thyroid papillary carcinoma. Topics discussed include the use of ultrasonography in doc...
The calcitonin-parathyroid hormone secretion (CPS) ratio was studied by means of radioimmunoassay in different cases of nodose thyroid pathology. It was found that functional thyroid reconstruction induces un balance of calcitropic hormones. The development of "hot", functionally active nodes is accompan...
This chapter discusses the surgical pathology of the thyroid. The normal adult thyroid gland weighs about 15鈥 25 g. Thyroid enlargement, or goiter, may result from a variety of changes. These include hyperplasia that may be associated with increased hormone-synthesizing activity or with increased ...
2.The anatomic or functional manifestations of a disease:the pathology of cancer. 3.A departure or deviation from a normal condition:"Neighborhoods plagued by a self-perpetuating pathology of joblessness, welfare dependency, crime"(Time).
Thyroid cancer is a common thyroid malignancy. The majority of thyroid lesion needs intraoperative frozen pathology diagnosis, which provides important information for precision operation. As digital whole slide images (WSIs) develop, deep learning metho
The thyroid gland is an outgrowth from the hypoblastic layer of the embryo forming a tube lined by epithelium, derived from the ventral buccopharyngeal wall. It consists originally of three parts, a central and two lateral portions, the mesial portion being formed by a diverticulum arising from...