Dallas, Tad
Figure 4. Schematic diagram, for comparison purposes only, of the shapes and sizes of certain plant pathogens in relation to a plant cell. Note: Bacteria, mollicutes, and protozoa are not found in nucleated, living plant cells. Reproduced from Agrios GN (2005) Plant Pathology, 5th edn., p...
Introducing the terminology “pathogen” to a young audience Pathogens are tiny living things like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can make you sick by getting into your body and making copies of themselves. They can be sneaky and use tricks to avoid your body’s defenses. Pathoge...
For example, in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the response to biotrophic pathogens (that feed on living tissue) is typically associated with the phytohormone salicylic acid (SA), whereas the response to necrotrophic pathogens, which retrieve nutri- ents from dead tissue, more classically ...
The translocated intimin receptor (Tir) is an essential type III secretion system (T3SS) effector of attaching and effacing pathogens contributing to the global foodborne disease burden. Tir acts as a cell-surface receptor in host cells, rewiring intrace
Rather, we think that the increased survival depends on complement perturbation and therefore on the interaction between FLIPr and C1q. What we hypothesize, combining the literature data and the data shown in this work, is a dual role of FLIPr during infection and pathogenesis; on one hand, in...
the interplay of alleles can often be described both by population genetics and game theory [60]. It depends on the aim of study which method is most suitable [26] or may be, to some extent, a matter of taste. This will be discussed in more detail in the section “Conclusion and outl...
fraxineus to establish and to reproduce on leaves mainly depended on summer rainfall, the damage it causes to the host depends on other parameters (high summer temperature in July-August, tree cover). As a consequence, in many situations, ash trees are infected and enable H. fraxineus ...
circinatum is also able to colonize seedling stem and mature tree branches that were artificially inoculated without wounds [57]. The disease progress depends on environmental conditions that affect the establishment of the infection (outlined below), the presence of a wound [57], and its depth [...
Wildlife protection is more challenging as it largely depends on exposure to domestic small ruminants that is not easily manageable. Lastly, control strategies would depend on their local feasibility, economic impact, and national disease control....