Gain the Fey trait Gain a Primal cantrip you can cast at will (you can change the cantrip once per day by meditating) Sensate Gnome Imprecise scent lets you locate a creature within 30ft via smell Gain +2 to Perception checks when locating undetected creatures within range of your scent ...
And some farmers will have a +2/+2 feat that boosts Profession, or maybe even a trait that gives them another bonus on that. So the modifier for some of them will be +11 or +12 rather than +9) And the wives are _not_ going to be unskilled labor; between ranks in Craft (cook)...
Price {{item.price}} Disable Description {{}} {{ trait }} Defense {{}} {{ trait }} Offense Melee Ranged {{' ',' ')}} {{plus(strike.bonus)}} [{{plus(strike.bonus-4)}}, {{plus(strike.bonus-8)}}] [{{plus(strike...
That's not twisting logic it's read as written. Natural attacks, read as written, replace itterative BAB, making them a full attack action either way you slice it. A character with 4 arms likely has their own benefits listed with that trait, and should be written with balances in check...
As a matter of technicality, I think Gomez could’ve sustained the mephit if he’d wanted. Yes, sustaining a spell takes an action, but it appears to be a mental-only action (no use of themanipulatetrait), which would’ve been allowed even while paralyzed. Of course the mephit also fa...
You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks made against characters that might be sexually attracted to you. Mist Child: When the changeling has concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of attacks against her increases by 5%. Object of Desire: The changeling adds +1 to her caster ...
Currently, there are no battle forms that allow you to cast spells. Technically there are none that allow you to escape grapples either. I think there are only two that allow you to manipulate doors. Considering this is very specifically spelt out under the Polymorph trait, I would say this...
Before I go on another 2 pager rant on another thread about how people complaining that wizards aren't as powerful is redundant and non-factual, I thought I would revive the Tier list system that had gotten such lively debate in the pf1e days. This is an exercise that is meant to co...
Mechanically, I'd assume an Iaijustsu archetype gives bonuses for attacks made while drawing a weapon? Or special attacks that require you to start with your weapon sheathed? Maybe a free action: Requirement: Your last action included a weapon strike with the Flourish trait Effect: You shea...
The fact it does an additional die of damage over any spear, has an extra multiplier over any spear, provides for two damage types (piercing and slashing), gives a skill bonus and can be used as a wind instrument makes the whole item just feel "wrong." Maybe two or so of those ...