Cockatrice (Creature) 2E1E Common Small Beast Level 3 Images of cockatrices Source:Monster Core, pg(s). 66 Legacy 2E: cockatrices had the N trait inBestiary66. Type Magical beast CR 3 Environment Temperate plains Alignment LGNGCG LNNCN ...
Making summons use spell attack rolls is a small change I'm making to make summons viable, not good, just maybe ok. Summons scale terribly with PF2 math. They already have the minion trait which reduces them to 2 actions at most. They require a sustain action. They still don't get an...
Unless forced to, sharks prefer not to eathumanoidsand attack them and small boats only if mistaken forsealsor when desperate.23 Species of shark Angustiden Angustidensare very large sharks native to deep waters. They are exceeded only bymegalodonsin size, and are known to prey on great white...
Gnomes, it says, “exhibit a wide range of natural skin, hair, and eye colors”, while their “large eyes and dense facial muscles allow them to be particularly expressive in their emotions”. Tragically, though, Gnomes must “constantly wander both mentally and physically”, forever seeking...
Large Beast Centaur Humanoid Level Varies Images of centaurs Source:Monster Core, pg(s). 58 Centaurs are an Uncommon ancestry. The ponygait heritage has Medium trait. Legacy 2E: Centaurs had the N Large Beast traits inBestiary60. Type
Also, keep in mind you aren't limited to one first level class feat. Even setting aside going back for them, Natural Ambition is an extremely popular ancestry feat. If you went crossbow, for example, you're probably not taking any of the others. Quote: eor what it's worth, Flurry has...
still trust our ability to put him down every round (going back and looking at the stat block, the healing component was 20 points, which we can power through), but the real cost is in actions spent. (And OK, he can still hit hard if he’s up long enough to get an attack off....
Acute Shot Far Shot, Precise Shot Deduct range penalties from damage rolls instead of attack rolls Adaptive Fortune Fortunate One, adaptable luck racial trait, character level 10th, halfling Increase your skill and uses with Adaptable Luck Adder Strike* Poison use class feature, Craft (alchemy) 1...
attack. The hand is incorporeal, improved evasion (half damage on a failed Reflex save and no damage on a successful save), your save bonuses, and an AC of 22 (+8 size, +4 natural armor), and your intelligence modifier acts as the hand's dexterity for AC. ...