- Powerful natural attack - Can walk through walls as early as level 9 (plus other amazing feats) Contrast that to dwarves who got darkvision, a knife, and reduced speed to balance those out. Centaurs are not far behind. Personally, I'd take away the darkvision from both ancestries,...
Armor of the Pit Tiefling +2 natural armor bonus or resistance 5 to two energy types Armor Proficiency, Heavy* Armor Proficiency, Medium No penalties on attack rolls while wearing heavy armor Armor Proficiency, Light* — No penalties on attack rolls while wearing light armor Armor Proficiency, ...
I could also accept this for players, albeit it would leave some pretty open questions about how dwarves and orcs and other former and current subterranean peoples manage at all short of inventing all manner of natural lighting sources in the depths. In another world, perhaps, but for my mo...
Feats Forceful Charge (Animal Companion Feat) Includes Improved Favored Animal Focus Planar Focus Totem Beast Evolved Companion (partial) Improved Natural Armor (Animal Companion Feat) Improved Natural Attack (Animal Companion Feat) Spirit's Gift Vampiric Companion Improved Spell Sharing (Teamwork) Spe...
Feats Arcane Strike, Blinding Critical, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (claw), Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-...
Combining the physical characteristics of an Elf and whatever diverse strain of humanity their Human parent was from, Pathfinder Half Elves live longer than Humans (up to 150), and – while they tend to look pretty much Human – have “a natural presence—and often a striking beauty— that...
Divine spellcasters who devote themselves to the Nobility domain are natural leaders who inspire others with their words. Experienced spellcasters of this domain often attract a following as long as they remain true to their faith.16 Plant
Also known as natural werecreatures, true werecreatures have greater control over their transformation except during a full moon and do not suffer from any memory loss during their transformation.48 Although it is a rare occurrence, a person can also become a werebear by drawing the "Bear" ...
Instead of a +1 enhancement bonus, while attacking the rolls, this amulet will give you a +2 enhancement bonus. The condition stands for both unarmed and natural modes of attack. Amulet of Agile Fists +3 You can sell this Amulet for 16000 gold. It will reward you with a +3 enhancement...
>>> pprint(d["https://aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Wolf"]) {'AC': {'AC': 14, 'components': {'dex': 2, 'natural': 2}, 'flat_footed': 12, 'touch': 12}, 'BAB': 1, 'CMB': 2, 'CMD': 14, 'CMD_other': '18 vs. trip', 'CR': 1, 'HP': {'HP': 13,...