it only functions on undead with no more hit dice than you have death mage levels. You may use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Voice of the Dead: The death mage’s ability to hear and understand spirits of the dead is developed enough to...
Gate grants control of creatures with hit dice equal to or less than the caster's Caster Level. That means Gate can drag in immensely powerful allies easily.Aranna Feb 16, 2014, 11:40 pm 1 person marked this as a favorite. Anzyr wrote: The mage who has been using his 3rd and 4th...
It also seem way less useful past level 18. Its martial abilities are way below other martials (our Paladin would have 6 more AC, +6 to hit for about the same damage on melee, my own breath weapon would be stronger than the Dragon Form's, though it has a flat bonus so it evens ...
Use Arcane Accuracy early on hard to hit stuff. Use Scorching/Hellfire to go nova (otherwise just right-click Acid Splash). Uses the old Kingmaker “feature” of Eldritch Knight giving us Greater Spell Access at Eldritch Archer Caster Level 19. Wasn’t incredibly useful there, but here ...
bane, it’s defeated by succeeding in the test. If the roll comes up short, players will take damage by discarding cards. Thankfully, they can’t take more damage than they have cards in their hands. But with only 15 cards (and therefore 15 hit points), you’ll need to be careful....
Standard dice roll buttons underneath statblocks Automatically add new player characters to the list when you input them in the initiative tracker (recommend to turn this off if you use the dedicated screen for it) Do not adjust XP based on party size. Adjust XP based on party size. XP...
First, I worked on perfecting the Custom Dice Roll option. It now works for both hit rolls and damage rolls for allies, but has a bug in the first big fight that it affects Frost Giant also. Next I have Kingdom Purchase BP Price Multiplier. It defaults to half price, but you can ...
Ya, that wererate cave is brutal if you hit it too early. I generally only swing back there after my cleric hits level 5 and I have communal resist energy. So one piece of advice for you guys, is play the game the opposite of how you play most RPGs. By that I mean when ...
For targets that have 0 HP or less and a single-target cure wounds spell is used on them, they’ll be rewarded with HP that is equal to their number of Hit Dice. Gyronna’s Amulet You won’t only receive a Mirror Image spell but also a +5 insight bonus to AC. It can be sold...
As far as stuff that specifically caught my eye – primal casters seem like they have the most fun stuff here. They can turn into a dinosaur. Or a dragon. When they hit their Level 10 spells, they can turn themselves into a kaiju (Nature Incarnate) or turn their party-mates into a ...