Disable Device---Dex|+0| Disguise---Cha|+0| Escape Artist---Dex|+0| Fly---Dex|+1| [Class Skill]
He was recently re-built with some Pathfinderized upgrades, and now has Disable Device and Use Magic Device, and a brand new shiny Staff of Fire! So now he can contribute a lot more to combat.Pendagast May 1, 2011, 03:00 pm TriOmegaZero wrote: Pendagast wrote: I thought it was ...
Disable Description {{ability.name}} {{ trait }} Defense {{ability.name}} {{ trait }} Offense Melee Ranged {{strike.name.replace(' ',' ')}} {{plus(strike.bonus)}} [{{plus(strike.bonus-4)}}, {{plus(strike.bonus-8)}}] [{{plus(strike.bonus-5)}}, {{plus(...
Cloak of Stone Wis 17, Stone Cover, Stone Shroud, Stealth 11 ranks, dwarf, stonecunning racial trait. Can hide in plain sight when in rocky terrain Close Call Deft Hands Reroll a disable device check 1/day Close-Quarters Thrower* Dex 13, Dodge, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weapon Att...
Class Skills: The skulking slayer does not gain Disable Device, Linguistics, and Sleight of Hand as class skills.Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.Pass for Human (Ex): At 1st level, when trying to conceal her half-orc heritage, a skulking slayer gains a bonus on Disguise checks ...