Alchemist's Poison are near exclusively used by players. GMs don't care about items, they can just say the monster's weapons are poisoned and give them whatever numbers they want. Squiggit Nov 13, 2023, 08:23 am 1 person marked this as a favorite. Bluemagetim wrote: I am guessing...
Siege Weapons View all snares. Snares View all spellhearts. Spellhearts View all staves. Staves View all structures. Structures View all tattoos. Tattoos View all trade goods. Trade Goods View all vehicles. Vehicles View all types of wands. ...
Fixed issue causing propulsive weapons to sometimes have dex-based attack statistics; Fixed incorrect versatile vial level when recreated via sidebar update; Fixed versatile vials being created twice when alchemist is added; Now avoid feat being dislodged when drag dropping to the same spot; Fixed is...
Wyverns are distant relatives ofamphipteres, which unlike them lack even their hind legs and possess only a pair of wings. Both species possess long tails tipped with inborn weapons; unlike a wyvern's poisonous stinger, however, an amphiptere's tail ends in a sharp spur used primarily to...
After a bit of searching, I found that there is a source for "World War" era stuff on Pathfinder 2e creations on reddit. What's most interesting is how the weapons all have a "Golarion" flavor (probably because they were made for a "World War Golarion" campaign). The document also ...
Gorum's temples tended to have the appearance of strongholds or citadels. They were walled and gated, and spikes adorn the structure. They were always ready for a battle or siege, and were kept stocked with metal weapons, armor, and rations. Shrines to Gorum were typically an organized pile...
Trained in simple weapons, they can also jump into the fray of melee combat for more direct damage-dealing. There’s a lot of choice for a Cleric. You can just as easily become a cloistered, back-line support character that primarily casts spells to buff or protect their party, or ...
Divine spellcasters who devote themselves to the Good domain pledge their lives andsoulsto goodness and purity. They can lend asacredbenefit to others, and more experienced disciples of this domain can also add aholynature to their weapons.14 ...
Play Pathfinder Online. Discover original Pathfinder rules, adventures, characters, settings, and more written by fellow fans. Enhance your gaming experience with unique, community-generated content. Join the creative community and contribute to the expa
the police-like force his predecessor had instituted in the city to crack down on his opposition and protect the lives of the non-orc merchants. He armed the Closed Fist with dwarvenweaponsandarmorfound in several caches found in the undercity, and captured and trained a huge herd of rust ...