In Pathfinder, you can be proficient in somethingby degrees. There are five different ranks of proficiency: untrained, trained, expert, master, and legendary. Each has its own distinct proficiency bonus. And rather than this number going up as you level up, your proficiency rank will increase ...
Pathfinder 2e Dashboard uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy ( I am expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Pathfinder 2e Dashboard is not published, endorsed, or specifically ...
Like it can work in a system where single shots can ways deal grievous wounds and someone firing a crossbow at the Trained archer really needs to hit or have a castle wall between them, else they are going to be shot six ways to Sunday before they reload. To add to Alkenstar I'd sa...
We trained the robot to learn to avoid obstacles with LSPI in Figure 6a. The three maps for navigation tasks (Figure 6b–d) were between 250 and 521 times larger than the training map. Since the resolution of these three original maps (i.e., 2.5 cm per pixel) was too high for doing...