(', ','\n').replace('; ','\n') }} {{ plus(statblock.fortitude.value) }} {{ statblock.fortitude.note }} {{ plus(statblock.reflex.value) }} {{ statblock.reflex.note }} {{ plus(statblock.will.value) }} {{ statblock.will.note }} {{ skill.name }} {{ plus(skill....
that a novice is minimally dangerous compared to an expert being highly lethal. Part of the appeal of firearms (& crossbows) is that a minimum amount of training is required to punch above your weight class - and even a novice has a realistic chance to inflict serious harm....
In Pathfinder, you can be proficient in somethingby degrees. There are five different ranks of proficiency: untrained, trained, expert, master, and legendary. Each has its own distinct proficiency bonus. And rather than this number going up as you level up, your proficiency rank will increase ...
Educational technology Expert Pathfinder networks as an instructional tool in the acquisition of a complex skill THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Eric A. Day McEntireLauren EThe present study contributed the first known examination of Pathfinder (Schvaneveldt, 1990; Schvaneveldt, Durso & Dearholt, 1989)...
Morlocks are expert climbers, having adapted to the terrain of their subterranean home in a way few other creatures have. Due to the large numbers and cramped conditions, morlocks normally fight in incredibly close quarters with one another. They are adept at leaping from craggy perches onto thei...