Members of theBurning Sun tribeof Belkzen led by theSareniteMahja Firehairfought against Tar-Baphon on the frontlines with distinction and were rewarded by Ardax,12andKhagrig Daybreakof the Burning Suns also joined the Knights of Lastwall as one of its mounted combat trainers.13 ...
Remembering that their ancestors had ultimately not fared well under his rule 15 centuries previously, Ardax had the diplomats slain as soon as they finished their speeches, and mounted their heads on the city's walls. Their decapitated bodies he tied to their horses, which he sent back over ...
surprisingly, this idyllic situation was not to last: the stone giants were seduced by evil gods, their union resulting in the birth offire giantsandfrost giants. Thecloud giantsandstorm giantswere elevated by benevolent gods to combat the evil giants, and thus the giant tribes were forever ...