Show skill replacements before medicine in treat wounds dialog Load all available compendium packs by default in the Compendium Browser Exclude already-possessed heritages in heritage choice sets Add formula picker to prepared crafting abilities such as advanced alchemy ...
When anyone uses Medicine to treat your wounds, eat a snack to add your level to the HP regained Nomadic Halfling Gain two extra languages of your choice (common or uncommon) Every time you take the Multilingual feat, gain another new language ...
Other communities value duskwalkers for their wisdom, skill at medicine, and proficiency at fighting undead. They get along well with empyreans,11 cambions,12 aphorites, and ganzi, but instinctually distrust dhampirs.3[citation needed] Most duskwalkers are neither good nor evil; good dusk...
On a critical failure, those conditions become quasi permanent, needing a DC 15 Medicine check to remove, each, as well as taking double damage. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and still suffer Toxic (1) until one round after escaping the ash cloud. On a critical success...