Related creatures: Chimera • Legendary chimera • Orthrus • • Creature types 1E Aberration Animal Artificial intelligence Construct Dragon Fey Humanoid Magical beast Monstrous humanoid Ooze Outsider Plant Undead Vermin 2E Aberration Animal Astral Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Dream Elemental Et...
{{plus(statblock.perception.value)}} {{sense}} {{ statblock.speed }} {{ }} {{', ','\n').replace('; ','\n') }} {{ plus(statblock.fortitude.value) }} {{ statblock.fortitude.note }} {{ plus(statblock.reflex.value) }} {{ ...
The most famous of these was the legendary Durvin Gest, whose tales fill a number of the first Pathfinder Chronicles. Notable current Pathfinders include the aiuvarin Koriah Azmeren, the current Master of Swords, Marcos Farabellus, Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch of Magnimar, the steward of ...