Cast {{spell.castingTime}} Cost {{spell.cost}} Primary Check {{spell.primaryCheck}} Secondary Casters {{spell.secondaryCasters}} Secondary Check {{spell.secondaryChecks}} Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{
Gutragers also possess an elongated, coiled esophagus that can be extended out of their mouths to deliver acid-coated blows to enemies at the cost of the gutrager being briefly impaired while it retracts its appendage. Gutragers can also cause themselves to detonate, showering their surroundings ...
66ff. (2E) Vudra (pronounced VOO-drah)1 (also known as Vandu)2 is a vast peninsula extending from southeastern Casmaron with a total area nearly equal to that of Avistan.3 Vudra is home to the Vudrani, a human ethnicity known for their gregariousness. Also known as the Impossible ...
Pathfinder algorithm (PFA) is a relatively new metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the collective movement of animal group and mimics the leadership hierarchy of swarms to find best food area or prey [12]. PFA provides superior performance in some optimization problems. However, when the dimension ...