Hydras are carnivores, and need to regularly eat large amounts of food in order to sustain their regenerative abilities. They prefer larger prey, which they often devour whole and digest over long periods of time; a hydra can consume half its weight in food in a single sitting, after which...
Dragons are fierce fighters, and those attempting to battle them can expect to be bitten, raked with their fearsome claws, buffeted by the wings, and smacked by the long tail—not to mention the various breath weapons, ranging from fire, ice, acid, or even electricity. Many also learn to...
Tigersare large,felineapex predators that inhabit some temperate, tropical, and subtropical forest regions.12They kill and eat all kinds of largeanimals, even other big cats. The deadliest tigers have developed a taste forhumanoidflesh and become man-eaters. Tigers thrive in areas that offer fresh...
Deriven Firelion wrote: Djinn71 wrote: gesalt wrote: Gortle wrote: Thunder999 wrote: It wouldn't be a balance problem, Paizo just really don't like casters getting to hit things in 2e, so they made sure that polymorph spells leave you less effective than an actual martial and that you...
bestial rage, they instead employ cunning tactics to subdue those who use fire to bypass their natural regeneration. Ice trolls favor the taste ofhumanmeat, and adjust their hunting grounds seasonally to remain close to their prey.15They sometimes capture humans and fatten them up to eat later....
Where things get really fun is when looking at the Rivethun precedent for dwarves dealing with spirits, or considering the idea of them dealing with forces of elemental Earth, Fire, and Metal. Is there a separate clan for the more tangible spiritual needs of Highhelm, I wonder - perhaps ak...
at least when it came to the fireballs, I think he was just generally joking. But even for the other spells, it was more like “if you buff yourself before you enter, yeah, that buff stays with you, but if you cast a spell on someone already inside, it’s a crapshoot whether you...
Trolls' young are raised by the females, who drive away adult males since the males would otherwise eat their own young. Females live in family groups, casting out any members who show weakness or killing them, typically through drowning or starvation. Males live as solitary hunters who prefer...
Zomoks are immune topoisonbut have vulnerability to fire. They havedarkvisionandtremorsense.123 Zomoks can speak severallanguages:Arboreal,Fey,Petran, andCommontongues, as well asspeaking to any plant.3 Zomoks have no need to eat but will often swallow prey to be mangled123by its stomach co...
Please, please, if you eat meat, have some for me soon. California's my home... but I tasted the forbidden fruit when I lived over there as a kid, and I haven't known peace since. The image of a Donguni dwarf working a smoker is bringing me a lot of joy....