↑Creature: "spider-faced fiend whose chitinous body was surrounded by a ring of fleshy, suckered tentacles." p. 270 ↑Creature: "water bug" p. 200 ↑Magic item: bracelet able to castcone of coldp. 351f. ↑Magic item: Ena'sdetect magiccharm p. 14 ...
Their appreciation for the arts extends beyond fashion and painting, many Taldans dabbling in wizardry, dueling, and the murky strategies of politics and war. A Taldan mind, when raised to ire, is a dangerous thing, and Taldans believe that the rest of the Inner Sea is soon to receive ...
I began playing tabletop RPGs with Pathfinder 1e, and we loved it。 Our campaigns almost always ended around level 10 though because so many of the rules became too cumbersome and it was just too easy to build broken characters。 Not to mention the big 6 items you always sought out ever...
Streets_of_Marienburg Strike! Supers-Revised-Edition Supersix SvardOchSvartkonst Svavelvinter Sword & Scoundrel Swordpoint Swords_&_Wizardry Spanish Symbaroum Synthicide T2K 4e TIH TOMOE genesis (ex redpoint genesis) Tagmar TailsOfEquestria Tales from the Loop Official Tales from the Loop Tales...
Even though much of the life of Old-Mage Jatembe is now considered myth, there are a few facts that have survived the passage of time. During the Age of Anguish, Garund was a place of violence and barbarism. Jatembe was the firsthumanto rekindle the art of wizardry, of written magic...
The other size of Wizardry the Wizard (the name that’s so bad it’s good). Another one of my characters. Look at that crazy block of numbers! And this is a fighter! I think Rhialle the Wanderer was initially named Elric after looking at this side of his character sheet. I like ho...