Type: Dmg - damage-dealing spell, Deb - debuffing spell, TA - touch attack, RTA - ranged touch attack, Polym - polymorph spell, Summ - summoning spell, Dispel - any spell that removes effects (be it actually dispelling spells or removing curses/diseases/etc.), Resur - resurrecting spell...
Since you're charging a ranged touch attack you get the extra attack that same round to deliver the spell (that's Ranged Spellstrike). Those are actually two abilities working together. 0 thumbs! # Graal Aug 19, 21 | reply Well, it actually worked in WotR, but firstly I've tested ...
Multiattack feat can be selected by any character, and it works for them the same way it would work for animal companion/eidolon (i.e. either reduces secondary attacks penalty to -2, or gives one iterative attack with primary hand natural weapon if character has less than 3 natural attacks...
Disrupt Undead [V/S]: Ranged Ray attack on undead creature, deals 1d6 damage. 25 ft + 5 ft. per 2 levels Guidance [V/S]: Touch creature to give +1 to a single attack rll, skill check, or saving throw on their choice. Lasts 1 minute ...
Also what ever was helping him get sneak attack would either have been unnecessary with melee, or have helped him just the same as the gun versus other ranged. My ultimate point to my posts is that they help yeah but are only valuable, as in you can do it better and cheaper with ...
Wizard feat 2: If a success RK check, on the next arcane spell, +1 to DC or +2 to spell attack roll. Can be done once per encounter per monster type Wizard feat 4: If successful RK check, a Wizard can treat Incapacitation threshold as twice spell level +2. Once a day. Just sp...
Prediction panel in TBM was mistakenly showing Spell Combat attack as possible in cases where it wasn’t (e.g. when the character was using a two-handed weapon) – fixed; TBM did not work in some places with moving/appearing objects – fixed; ...
Pathfinder 2nd edition Encounter Builder, Creature Searcher, and Combat Tracker with live-updating statblocks, XP balance, and more.
it’s a touch heal; two actions change it to a ranged heal, and three actions give you a group burst. So not only is there still room for complexity, but it comes with more interesting choices for the player. I actually think that this is going to work really well over the long hau...
1 Monk - Dodge // Crane Style 2 Sorcerer - Extend Spell 3 Sorcerer - Martial Weapon Proficiency 4 Sorcerer 5 Sorcerer - Weapon Focus: Greataxe 6 Dragon Disciple 7 Dragon Disciple - Outflank // Power Attack 8 Dragon Disciple 9 Dragon Disciple - Dazzling Display 10 Eldritch Knight - ...