Type: Dmg - damage-dealing spell, Deb - debuffing spell, TA - touch attack, RTA - ranged touch attack, Polym - polymorph spell, Summ - summoning spell, Dispel - any spell that removes effects (be it actually dispelling spells or removing curses/diseases/etc.), Resur - resurrecting spell...
Spectral Hand [V/S]: Take 1d4 damage to create a spectral hand which return when the spell ends or is dispelled, but not i its destroyed. This hand can deliver any 4th level or lower touch spells with +2 to them. Attacking with the hand counts as a normal attack. The hand is ...
{{spell.name}} {{spell.name}} {{trait}} {{spell.type}} {{spell.level}} Cast {{spell.castingTime}} Duration {{spell.duration}} Range {{spell.range}} Area {{spell.area}} Targets {{spell.targets}} Defense {{spell.save}} {{entry.lv7slots.current+'/'+entry.lv7slots.max}...
Create an archetype that has some water-breathing and swimming skills, maybe a few ranged attack bonuses, and you’re basically an honorary member of the Besaid Aurochs. Minus the Tidus Laugh, which you have to supply yourself. YOU’RE THE REST… AROUND (THE REST OF THE BOOK) The ...
Acid Fog spell effect was changed to work as in pnp, Mystic Theurge now receives spell synthesis ability at level 10, Vital Strike now works with ranged attacks, Sylvan Sorcerer druid level for animal companion progression is equal to his class level - 3 (min 1), ...
as well as b) ghost touch also can’t go on a ranged weapon. So my two choices were either to move the +2 to the sword-cane or just tuck the ghost touch rune into the backpack for now and wait until I can afford another +2. Or another one drops, of course. In the short term...
1 Monk - Dodge // Crane Style 2 Sorcerer - Extend Spell 3 Sorcerer - Martial Weapon Proficiency 4 Sorcerer 5 Sorcerer - Weapon Focus: Greataxe 6 Dragon Disciple 7 Dragon Disciple - Outflank // Power Attack 8 Dragon Disciple 9 Dragon Disciple - Dazzling Display 10 Eldritch Knight - ...
I came from 2nd edition and I found the concept of the AoO to be really, really weird: A 1st level fighter with a rapier can attack and kill one commoner a round if they just stand there. Or are paralyzed. But if they run up and try to punch him (i.e. fight back) he can ki...
Prediction panel in TBM was mistakenly showing Spell Combat attack as possible in cases where it wasn’t (e.g. when the character was using a two-handed weapon) – fixed; TBM did not work in some places with moving/appearing objects – fixed; ...
ADnD_1E AEON-Aberrant AGE System APOCTHULHU ARC AS&SH AW AW2E-Burned-Over AW2E Ablaneda Aborea Aborea_new Abstract Dungeon (FR base) Aces and Eights (Shattered Frontier) Aces-In-Space Achtung! Cthulhu Action Movie World Adventure Pack Adventure! AdventureTime Adventurers Revised Edition (h...