1 person marked this as a favorite. Personally, I totally agree about the magic item thing. Right now, I'm have a fully stocked magic item store. The schtick is that he is a once off guy - an all powerful and nigh unkillable balrog who sells magic items to the mortal world in or...
Run get_classes.py to download a list of all classes, which will be used for parsing the data. Run main.py to parse the raw HTML into a database: python main.py This script is where the magic happens. If you want to adjust anything from adding special cases, changing how parsing...
Yeah not PF2e but when I ran curse of strahd the second time around I made it human only and had the PCs be from Victorian era England (debated going arthurian to allow for magic, but being magicless was more fun) Bluemagetim Nov 13, 2023, 07:51 am 1 person marked this as a...
PFPrimalMagic:我创建了一个工具来帮助我在玩重生铸铁的守望者时在Pathfinder 1e中使用和跟踪Primal Magic事件 开发技术 - 其它 我来**猫星上传262KB文件格式zip PFPrimalMagic 我创建了一个工具来帮助我在玩重生铸铁守望者时在Pathfinder 1e中使用和跟踪Primal Magic事件 ...
* magic item reliance and abundance. Things we DON'T like from PF1e * the ridiculous amount of Static and conditional modifiers * the sheer amount of modifier sources (Example: If you're doing X you get Bonus A but if the enemy is doing Y, you get penalty B, which is offset by ...
Reduced by 30% since buying magic items is less relevant Trickster's Mythic Trick: Arcana Rank 1 - Increases the max enhancement cost you can apply to your weapons and armor by 1. This replaces the base game effect. Rank 3 - Increases the max enhancement cost you can apply to your ...
20 +1 STR Shifter Pretty competent melee tank, so long as you have an Alchemist to give him Shields. Needs +2 CHA item to self-cast Mage Armours, but, as it’s on the Witch list, you can just cast it from scrolls. Gets some DR/- too, so, overall, he’s just fine. Minor ...
Price {{item.price}} Disable Description {{ability.name}} {{ trait }} Defense {{ability.name}} {{ trait }} Offense Melee Ranged {{strike.name.replace(' ',' ')}} {{plus(strike.bonus)}} [{{plus(strike.bonus-4)}}, {{plus(strike.bonus-8)}}] [{{plus(strike...
but you’d probably be better off going Gold Dragon instead there. Use Magic Device 3 is cool on paper, but instead of getting a Wizard spell-list very late, it’s generally better to have your spells from the class selection and use it on something else. The second tier 3 pick doesn...
Secrets of the Sphinx, an adventure byAmber E. Scottwith supporting material byMichael Kortes,David Schwartz,Russ Taylor,Greg A. Vaughan, andLarry Wilhelmand fiction by Amber E. Scott, was released on June 25, 2014. Deep in theOsirianSightless SphinxChisisekSky Pharaoh Hakotep I, the heroes...