checks, and skill checks|, |50% chance each turn to be able to act|, or a made up curse no greater in power than e given ones. Lasts indefinitely, cannot be dispelled Contagion: ...
If you cast a spell in round 1, and the party has things in hand then you can sit back and relax. Also many parties stop adventuring for the day when the divine or arcane caster is low on spells. This is not a hard rule, but in those cases my idea of conserving spells can work...
I'm ok with SOME static mods, so maybe limit it to ones provided by direct effects of class abilities or spells? Ignore those due to things like exhaustion, flanking, whatever else PF has cause I know its a lot. What I'm looking for:What are some major problems that would come from...
Since I still use 3.5e material it can make some things confusing. My lovable munchkin player is soon going to be cursing your name Scavion as I use Pathfinder spells when there is a difference. But ONE low level spell does not balance an entire classes low level spells (cleric in this...
spells that the devs intended you to use, you are f*cked up in some fortress far away from home. Also, most enemies have crazy Magic resistance. So if your party has 3 casters, they are pretty useless and you won't do enough damage to survive the mobs (often 10 enemies at once)....
Jon Brazer Enterprises
title>Fist of Stone Fist of StoneFist of StoneFrog God Games
Dead Man's Hands]]>Frog God Games
Rite Publishing
Shadow Necromancy, GreaterAscension Games, LLC