Make it easy to track your spellcasting in Pathfinder 1e. Spell Tracker is an app that keeps track of everything related to Pathfinder spellcasting in one place.
Make it easy to track your spellcasting in Pathfinder 1e. Spell Tracker keeps track of everything related to spellcasting and magic in one place. It's great for…
The original PF2E design had space for me to take notes (at least in places) so I could write down penalties, what a spell did, what an ability did. That way I don't have to look it up EVERY TIME I USE IT. Now look at the spell list design. As someone who plays a lot of...
Dur (Duration): var - varying, r/m/h - round/minute/hour (i.e. depends on if the save was successfull), /l - per level S (Saving throws): Fort - Fortitude, Ref - Reflex Classes: at what level of a class's spellbook the spell is available (if it's available at all)Categorie...
This will find any entry that has limited wish in it, whether it appears in the Spells or Spell-Like Abilities blocks, in the description, or wherever else. (It will also show you where in the entry the "limited wish" string appears.) This does not search the raw entries - only the...
That all doesn’t really change the best parts about the Lich, though (i.e. the spell list and early game power spike). The best career path is melee (as that side of Lich spell-book didn’t receive the Owlcat special touch treatment) and abandoning Lich at Mythic 8 to go Legend as...
To support the recent influx of new Pathfinders and Starfinders, he will be helping us with some much needed updates to the Pathfinder 1e side of the Archives. To start with, he's going to focus on missing errata updates and a new FAQ section. We hope to have more news and updates ...
It really is a signature spell of the entire tradition, in a way that other spells are notably above the curve in other traditions. It's not hard to understand that when people talk about how something like "occult casters / the spell list is horrible," or the opposite, that the ...
An especially insane greynaunet protean, Yles is an avid collector of magical writing and spellbooks. It continuously babbles narration of its own activities.10 Church of Groetus Groetus has no formal religion or church, with many of his faithful being made up of lone desperate people prophesy...
Give me an example situation (e.g. cast a spell at something, without the mod it does x, with it it does y). I'd test it myself but I have no idea how patchwork mods work. Then again I could just modify it through dnspy, so I'll try rhat when I get back to my PC Top...