past-the-end iterator begin()和end() 定义了一个半开区间 [ begin, end ), 因此叫做past-the-end。 这样设计的好处是: 1、避免了特殊处理空区间。当begin == end时,就是空区间。 如果end指向的是最后一个元素,而不是最后一个元素的下一个位置。那么在空区间里,begin和end的指向就成了问题。 2、循环...
_STL_VERIFY(_Ptr < _Mycont->_Mylast, "can't increment vector iterator past end") It seems like the exception gets thrown between another for loop, where the collisionHandling function gets called from: voidGameLevel::update(GLFWwindow *window){ std::string classType;// Delta time:floattim...
Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater{istrm}; std::stringdata(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{inflater}, {});//crashes herestd::cout << data << std::endl; } marker = istrm.get(); std::cout << marker << std::endl; { Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater{istrm}; std::stringdata(std...