past-the-end iterator begin()和end() 定义了一个半开区间 [ begin, end ), 因此叫做past-the-end。 这样设计的好处是: 1、避免了特殊处理空区间。当begin == end时,就是空区间。 如果end指向的是最后一个元素,而不是最后一个元素的下一个位置。那么在空区间里,begin和end的指向就成了问题。 2、循环...
This throws an exception in a vector file, which reads:Exception thrown: read access violation. _Mycont was nullptr. The exception is thrown on line 72, which has the following code: _STL_VERIFY(_Ptr < _Mycont->_Mylast, "can't increment vector iterator past end") It seems like the ex...
Poco::InflatingInputStream inflater{istrm}; std::stringdata(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{inflater}, {}); std::cout << data << std::endl; } } } The expected output of this is: 241 TEST1 242 TEST2 243 TEST3 Instead the program crashes when reading from the secondInflatingInputStream...
for (list<component*>::iterator i=_components.begin();i!=_components.end();i++) { (*i)->print(); } }; private: list<component*> _components; };
var validBytes= 0var lastIndexEntry= 0val iter=log.iterator(maxMessageSize)try{while(iter.hasNext) { val entry.message.ensureValid()if(validBytes - lastIndexEntry >indexIntervalBytes) {//we need to decompress the message, if required, to get the offset of the first uncompr...
() : block already in mapBlockIndex");// Get prev block indexmap<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashPrevBlock);if(mi == mapBlockIndex.end())returnDoS(10, error("AcceptBlock() : prev block not found")); CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = (*mi).second;intn...
php eval sandboxed with disable_functions and open_basedir set to /var/www/html bypass open_basedir with `foreach(new DirectoryIterator('glob:///*') as $f)` load ffi extension with `$ffi = FFI::load('/flag.h');` and get flag with `$a = $ffi->flag_fUn3t1on_fFi();...
SysComIteratorDSO Class [AX 2012] SysCompanySizeDP Class [AX 2012] SysComparable Interface [AX 2012] SysComparableCompareContext Class [AX 2012] SysComparableEnumerator Interface [AX 2012] SysCompare Class [AX 2012] SysCompareContextProvider Interface [AX 2012] ...
Return the last synchronization point before our current position. seek Move to a specific, known synchronization point, one returned from DataFileWriter#sync() while writi getMeta getMetaString getHeader getMetaString, getHeader, getBlockCount, initialize, iterator, blockFinished, getBlockSize, get...