Verb Past simple play played talk help watch listen wash carry carried study Complete the sentences using the past simple verbs from above.(用上面动词的一般过去时完成下列句子)1. I watched s a great film last night. It was very funny.2. Tom and Bill2 0football in the park after school....
action words in sentences are transformed into words that have a past sense. “Dance” becomes “danced.”“Play” becomes “played.” It’s as easy as 1-2-3 … Until the lawbreakers come in!
请问简单过去时 PAST simple是什么时候的时态,有几种书写规则方法?比如ed结尾或者Was和were这个怎么弄他们一样吗?I was play 和I played有什么不同么?还有就是Used to 怎么用.多举几个例子,麻烦点让我弄懂了这两个东西,past simple主要是不知道什么时候加ed和什么时候加WAS 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案...
I declined the job offer.(Rechacé la oferta de trabajo) They played football in high school.(Ellos jugaban fútbol en la escuela) ABA on Air·Ep. 47 Past Simple Of Regular Verbs | ABA on Air Tipos de verbo por su pasado simple ...
A. Write the past simple of these verbs.(写出这些动词的一般过去时)Verb Past simple play played talk talked help helped watch watched listen listened wash washed carry carried study studied B. Complete the sentences using the past simple verbs from above.(用上面动词的一般过去时完成下列句子)1. ...
解析 答案:1.called2.played3.visited4.was5.liked6.did7.stopped8.worked9.danced10.studied 结果一 题目 Write the simple past forms of the verbs.写出下列动词的一般过去式。1. call -___ 2. play -played3. visit 4. am -___5. like __liked 6. do -·7. stop - stoped 8. work -__...
小升初英语小学语法:穿越回古代之一般过去时PastSimpleTense 穿越回古代之一般过去时PastSimpleTense ByBeryl What’sthat?Oh!Igobacktoancienttimes!ed ed Lastweekend,IstuckamagicstickeronmyUFO.Then,Imetawormhole(虫洞)andwentbacktoancienttimes.Isawabeautifulgirl.Sheplayedwithabutterfly.Inancienttimes,life(...
Simple Past不仅可以用于描述已经完成的行为或事件,还可以用于描述过去的状态或习惯。当我们想表达过去某个人或事情的描述时,也可以使用Simple Past。例如,“When I was young, I played the piano every day”.Simple Past是英语学习中最基础的时态之一,也是我们日常生活中经常使用的时态。使用Simple ...
Past Simple 英语一般过去时 Objectives:Bytheendofthelesson,youwillbeableto•knowthebasicknowledgeofpastformsofregularandirregularverbs;•usethePastSimpletodescribeevents.Lookatthesetwopictures:Past past (attendtheschool)sixweeksago now now (beintheschool)now •PASTSIMPLE:describesth.happenedinthepastor...