Verb Past simple play played talk help watch listen wash carry carried study Complete the sentences using the past simple verbs from above.(用上面动词的一般过去时完成下列句子)1. I watched s a great film last night. It was very funny.2. Tom and Bill2 0football in the park after school....
Past simple (regular verbs)We add-ed to verbs ending in vowel+-y( e.g. played).√ play-played X play-plaid If the verb ends in consonant +-y ( e.g. try), we change the-y to-iand add-ed.V try-tried X try-tryed Correct the past simple forms.1 plaid2 staid3 studyed4 try...
ThepastsimpletenseofthemostEnglishverbsisformedbyadding"-ed“totheirbaseform.AffirmativeIplayedYouplayedHeplayedSheplayedItplayedWeplayedYouplayedTheyplayed Negative Interrogative Ididnotplay/Ididn’tplay DidIplay Youdidnotplay/youdidn’tplayDidyouplay Hedidnotplay/hedidn’tplayDidheplay Shedidnotplay/...
过去进行时词尾ING的拼写规则与现在进行时词尾ING的拼写规则相同。● We normally make the Present Continuous by adding ING to the base verb. ● 通常情况下,直接在动词原形后 + ING。☆ work – working
Irregular verbs in the past simple tense are verbs that don’t conform to the standard rule of adding “-ed” to form their past tense. Instead, these verbs change in various ways, often with no consistent rule, making them irregular. For example, the verb “go” becomes “went” in th...
A. Write the past simple of these verbs.(写出这些动词的一般过去时)Verb Past simple play played talk talked help helped watch watched listen listened wash washed carry carried study studied B. Complete the sentences using the past simple verbs from above.(用上面动词的一般过去时完成下列句子)1. ...
ed to verbs ending in vowel +-y.∠p|ay-p|ayed X play-plaid If the verb ends in consonant +-y ( e.g. try), we change the -y to -i and add -ed.√ try-tried X try-tryed The exceptions to this rule are pay and say:pay-paid say-said Correct the past simple forms.1 ...
Making of Simple Past TenseAddition of “-ed" in the root of regular verbs is how to make a simple past tense. Example Play = Played Past Continuous This form of the verb is also known as Past Progressive Tense. This form of tense is usually needed to indicate an ongoing action or to...
The simple past tense of regular verbs in English is formed by adding the suffix “-ed” to the infinitive form of the verb. The infinitive is the form of the verb that typically ends in “to,” such as “to run” or “to eat.” Here are some examples:...
Select the example of the simple past tense. A. Play B. Playing C. Played 4 not attemptedSelect the verb in the simple past tense. I visited lots of interesting places in Tokyo last summer. 5 not attemptedTrue or false? The sentence below contains an example of the simple past ...