1. Did you go to school yesterday? Yes, I did. 2. Did your father work last Saturday? No, he didn't. 3. Did it rain last week? Yes, it did. 4. Did your friends walk to school this morning? Yes, they did. 5. Did you have a maths lesson yesterday? Yes, I did. 6. Did...
英语基础教学 Past Simple(QUESTIONS)Asinthepresentsimple,tomakequestionsusing“was”or“were”weonlyhavetowrite“was/were”atthebeginningofthesentenceandthenthesubject:Ex.Wereyouatschoolyesterday?Washewithyouthismorning?InterrogativeWasI?Wereyou?Washe?Wasshe?Wasthey?Werewe?Wereyou?Werethey?Toformthe...
Were you at home? 2. did+主语+动词原形+其他,例如:Did she go to school? What did they say? 无论是哪种形式,都需要将助动词(be动词或did)放在句首,主语放在助动词之后,其他部分放在主语之后。 问题图片列出了多个过去简单时的疑问句,问题要求分析过去简单时的疑问句构成。 - 过去简单时的疑问句构成主...
获取帮助 Past Simple- Questions and Negatives II Lesson • Cristina Camargo • English • 9th - 10th Grade • 1次 • 难的 改善您的活动 课程概述 1 Past Simple Questions and Negatives 2 Questions We use did to make questions with the past simple: Did she play tennis when she was ...
102 questions Newest Active Bountied Unanswered More Filter 2 votes 1 answer 72 views "How did you get in here? Security!" vs "How have you gotten in here? Security!" [closed] I have been doing some exercises on Past Simple vs Present Perfect as that's the topic that gives me the...
Past simple: questionsWe form past simple questions with question word + did + subject + base form of the verb. Remember to use did in the correct place.Where did you meet your friend?✗ Where you met your friend? Where you did meet your friend? Write a cross (✗) next to the ...
Simple past tense questions test, 视频播放量 0、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 Andy_963, 作者简介 ,相关视频:Simple past tense negative sentences test,【WWE SmackDown】第1319期,Simple past tense test,"你有没有发现
Write questions in the past simple. You have the first word. you / eat for breakfast this morning What did you eat for breakfast this morning? you / go to school this morning How ? you / watch TV last night Did ? homework / you do last night...
But the final round is longer and you'll need to think hard about how these tenses work together, including the past simple tense so you'll really get to put everything that we've been learning over the last few weeks into practice. As always if you have any questions, write them down...
You will see that there are a lot of irregular verbs in the simple past, but there are some patterns you can use to help you remember. You will learn about spelling changes when you add an “-ed” ending, as well as how to form negatives and questions in the past. You will also ...