1. Did you go to school yesterday? Yes, I did. 2. Did your father work last Saturday? No, he didn't. 3. Did it rain last week? Yes, it did. 4. Did your friends walk to school this morning? Yes, they did. 5. Did you have a maths lesson yesterday? Yes, I did. 6. Did...
Write questions in the past simple. You have the first word. you / eat for breakfast this morning What did you eat for breakfast this morning? you / go to school this morning How ? you / watch TV last night Did ? homework / you do last night...
Examples: Simple past tense questions Didyougoto the theater last night? DidAndyforgetto file the report? To ask a question starting with a wh-word (aninterrogative pronounlike “who” or aninterrogative adverblike “where”), follow the same word order as above, but add the pronoun or adve...
To make past simple questions we usesubject-auxiliary inversion. This means that we swap around the position of the auxiliary verb and the subject. However, as you can see in the examples above, there is no auxiliary verb in past simple statements. This means that, if we want to make a ...
To ask a question in the simple past tense, use the formula did + [subject] + [root form of verb]. Here are some examples of questions using the simple past: Did Phoebe win the gold medal or the silver medal? Where did she go to celebrate? One exception: When asking a question in...
Write questions in the past simple. 1 what / you play / with / when you / a child? 2 where / you live / when you / a baby? 3 what / you / watch / on TV yesterday? 4 what / you / study / last night? 5 when / you tidy / your room?
【题目】Write questions in the past simple.1 what / you play / with / when you / a child?2 where / you live / when you / a baby?3 what / you / watch / on T V yesterday?4 what / you / study / last night?5 when / you tidy / your room?
英语基础教学 Past Simple(QUESTIONS)Asinthepresentsimple,tomakequestionsusing“was”or“were”weonlyhavetowrite“was/were”atthebeginningofthesentenceandthenthesubject:Ex.Wereyouatschoolyesterday?Washewithyouthismorning?InterrogativeWasI?Wereyou?Washe?Wasshe?Wasthey?Werewe?Wereyou?Werethey?Toformthe...
To ask a question in the simple past tense, use the formula did + [subject] + [root form of verb]. Here are some examples of questions using the simple past: Did Phoebe win the gold medal or the silver medal? Where did she go to celebrate? One exception: When asking a question in...
Tenses_Present_Simple,Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple SightWords Sightwordsarewordsthatareusedmostofteninreadingandwriting.Theyarecalled“sightwords”becauseit’spurposeistoberecognizedinstantlyatfirst sight.Noun Nounisanameofaperson,placeorthing.Examples:Sara,Liza,Shenzhen,China,park,mountain,flower,...