Past simple (regular verbs)We usually add -ed to verbs ending in vowel +-y.∠p|ay-p|ayed X play-plaid If the verb ends in consonant +-y ( e.g. try), we change the -y to -i and add -ed.√ try-tried X try-tryed The exceptions to this rule are pay and say:pay-paid sa...
aAir Filter : Double Layered antibiotic air filter removes dust in the Air. 空气过滤器: 加倍层状抗药性空气过滤器取消尘土在天空中。[translate] apast simple regular verbs 通过简单的规则动词[translate]
Past simple (regular verbs) 1★☆☆ Find nine more verbs in the puzzle and write them next to the past forms. S T A Y D U T S T W L T W T R E V I R R A P O R M D V E S U T N A P L A N K L I K E T S L I R E R R V A R N W...
A Complete the sentences with verbs from the box using the Past Simplestarthurrywantstudycarrypushlaughplay1 Tom ___ a lot of tricks on Aunt Polly.2 Tom ___ math for an hour and then went outside to play.3 Ben ___ painting the fence at ten o'clock.4 The...
1 The simple past:regular verbsThese regular past forms end with the sounds /d/,/t/or /id/.Put them in the correct columns.根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式排入表中。received,waited,worked,visited,counted,enjoyed,painted,talked,looked,turned,rained,passed,climbed,crashed,shouted,offered,handed,like...
小学认知英语课件 Past Simple Regular verbs PastSimple Regularverbs Weusethepastsimpletotalkaboutthingsthathappenedinthepast.Timeexpressions:Yesterdaylastweek/month/yearayearagotheday/weekbeforein2010…Affirmative IplayedHe,she,itplayedWe,you,theyplayed Spellingrules Infinitive+ed/d Vowel+y:edConsonant+y:...
小学一年级英语 Past Simple regular verbs PastSimple regularverbspositive Tomwalkstoschooleveryday.walk+ed walked Tomwalkedtoschoolyesterday.Wehelpmumeveryday.help+ed helped Wehelpedmumyesterday.PASTSIMPLE???-ED???PASTSIMPLE:yesterday lastnight/week/year/Monday in2000whenIwasyoung/at...
The simple past: regular verbsThese regular past forms end with the sounds /d/, t/, /id/ or /i:d/ /aid/. Put them in the correctcolumns:根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式分类cried, answered, decided, asked, fried, entered, cooked, started, contained, interrupted, noticed,travelled, carried...