SohowdoIknowwhichverbsareregularandwhichareirregular? Learnthemfromthelist,ohno! Iseewhatyoumean.Imade,youmade,hemade,shemade,itmade,wemade, theymade! OK,you'reright,that'snottoobad.Arethereanyexceptions? Lucia PresentPastSimplePresentPastSimple ...
文档名称:小学英语教育pastsimple-regular-verbs-game-fun-activities-games-games-grammar-drills_23999.pdf 格式:pdf 大小:3.26MB 总页数:15发布时间:2021-05-05发布于湖南 上传者:188***9501下载源文档需要:170金币阅读:7下载文档,永久保存 您可能关注的文档小学...
Past simple (regular verbs)We usually add -ed to verbs ending in vowel +-y.∠p|ay-p|ayed X play-plaid If the verb ends in consonant +-y ( e.g. try), we change the -y to -i and add -ed.√ try-tried X try-tryed The exceptions to this rule are pay and say:pay-paid sa...
小学认知英语课件 Past Simple Regular verbs PastSimple Regularverbs Weusethepastsimpletotalkaboutthingsthathappenedinthepast.Timeexpressions:Yesterdaylastweek/month/yearayearagotheday/weekbeforein2010…Affirmative IplayedHe,she,itplayedWe,you,theyplayed Spellingrules Infinitive+ed/d Vowel+y:edConsonant+y:...
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Unit7趣味语法一般过去时游戏past-simple-regular-verbs-game课件牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)七年级英语上册.pptx,bake brush collect cook cry hug iron knit pack peel phone post smile snow wait watch 1 2 Molly ___ a letter to her cousin yesterday morning. po
Past Tense of Irregular Verbs:不规则动词的过去式 热度: 动词过去分词变化规则与不规则变化 热度: 不规则动词过去式与过去分词变化规则表1 热度: Pastsimple:regularandirregularverbs. Exercises A.Completethesentences. Ejemplo: Ididn´twatchTVlastnight. ...
Past simple (regular verbs)We add-ed to verbs ending in vowel+-y( e.g. played).√ play-played X play-plaid If the verb ends in consonant +-y ( e.g. try), we change the-y to-iand add-ed.V try-tried X try-tryed Correct the past simple forms.1 plaid2 staid3 studyed4 try...
小学一年级英语 Past Simple regular verbs PastSimple regularverbspositive Tomwalkstoschooleveryday.walk+ed walked helped Wehelpedmumyesterday.PASTSIMPLE???-ED???PASTSIMPLE:yesterday lastnight/week/year/Monday in2000whenIwasyoung/at...