In your writing, you must strive to use both of them well. Self-Study For examples and exercises on passive vs. active voice, check out these websites: “Choosing between Active and Passive Voice Verbs When Writing” page from Kennesaw State University Active and passive voice discussion ...
Passive vs Active 英汉语言对比 被动与主动('twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer),butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(thepatient).Scientistsclassifygla...
II.ActiveVoicevs.PassiveVoice Passive≠theoppositeofActive (J.Vendryes)Activevoiceemphasizestheactionitself.Passivevoiceemphasizestheconditionaftertheactionis taken.E.g.①Mybrotherbroketheteapot.(active,dynamic)②Theteapotwasbrokenbymybrother.(passive,conditionoftheteapot)③Theteapotwasbroken.(...
Activevoiceemphasizestheactionitself.Passivevoiceemphasizestheconditionaftertheactionis taken.E.g.①Mybrotherbroketheteapot.(active,dynamic)②Theteapotwasbrokenbymybrother.(passive,conditionoftheteapot)③Theteapotwasbroken.(passive,condition)④Theteapotisbroken.(passive,stative)III.Englishvs.Chinese...
Passive vs Active 被动与主动('twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer),butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(thepatient).Scientistsclassifyglassasasolid.Gl...
Passive voice is generally considered to be inferior to its counterpart, active voice. There are several reasons why this is the case and why, inessaysand otherformalpieces of writing, editors, teachers, and proofreaders will encourage writers to avoid it. ... 1.English:apassive-featuredlanguage 1.1.ReasonsforthepopularityofpassivevoiceinEnglish. ---theconsiderationoftheagent a.Don'twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer), butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(the patient). Scientistsclassifyglassasasolid.Glassisclassifiedasasolid. Th...
How Do I Step Up and Become a Voice for the Community I Want to Lead?more info Loading... 15:03 I Have Too Many Business Ideas—What Do I Do and Where Do I Start?more info Loading... 20:52 How Can I Monetize a Website That People Already Use and Enjoy?more info Loading... ...
How Do I Step Up and Become a Voice for the Community I Want to Lead?more info Loading... 15:03 I Have Too Many Business Ideas—What Do I Do and Where Do I Start?more info Loading... 20:52 How Can I Monetize a Website That People Already Use and Enjoy?more info Loading... ...
One of the best ways to grow your niche site is to get active within your industry and start making connections with people. Here are some people to reach out to in your industry: People running other affiliate review sites Social media influencers or managers Business owners These relationships...