In writing, there are two grammatical voices—active voice and passive voice. And you may have been warned by your well-meaning English teacher to avoid passive voice like the plague. But both voices have a right to be heard. However, one will definitely trump the other in helping you beco...
Passive versus Active Voice: How To Write in Active Voice? Very often, despite our best efforts, our writing looks somehow off. Something remains unfinished, unfinished as if something is missing. Sometimes it may be all about the voice you use. It may influence greatly the way how your ...
This is the general principle to follow as you compose in the active voice: Place concrete nouns that can perform work in front of active verbs representing the nature of the work done. But suppose you are writing a report where you may not use “I”, or you are writing about a ...
Active voice may not be suitable for all writing styles or formal contexts. Where passive might be preferred for its formality. The debate over passive versus active voice in writing is not a matter of absolute right or wrong. Both have their merits and can be effectively used depending on ...
In part, the use of active voice over passive voice is a matter of word economy and simplicity. If you can say something with fewer words, you probably should. It’s also a matter of making your words workforyou. As Zinsser says, “active verbs push hard and passive verbs tug fitfully...
Why Choose Active Vs. Passive Voice in Writing? If using passive voice has become a major part of your rhetorical strategy, there are several reasons to drop the habit. Active voice facilitates clear and concise communication. It is often much more engaging, and less pretentious than passive vo...
In active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb: “The dog chased the cat.” What is passive voice? In passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb: “The cat was chased by the dog.” When should you use active voice versus passive voice? Use active voice ...
HeatherSilyn-Roberts, inWriting for Science and Engineering (Second Edition), 2013 Active versus passive voice Many word processor grammar checkers and writing handbooks tell us to use the active voice of the verb, not the passive. This is not useful advice because most scientists and engineers ...
Active Versus Passive Voice Active voice is used for most non-scientific writing. Using active voice for the majority of your sentences makes your meaning clear for readers, and keeps the sentences from becoming too complicated or wordy. Even in scientific writing, too much use of passive voice...
I equally participate the active and passive voice in my writing but clearly depends on the circumstance where it is necessary to win the situation. Using passive voices in situations like to avoid the blunt and non-performing attitude, i tend to win and force the situation merely relying on ...