In your writing, you must strive to use both of them well. Self-Study For examples and exercises on passive vs. active voice, check out these websites: “Choosing between Active and Passive Voice Verbs When Writing” page from Kennesaw State University Active and passive voice discussion ...
Passive vs Active 英汉语言对比 被动与主动('twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer),butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(thepatient).Scientistsclassifygla...
ActiveVSPassive I.Warm-up 1.TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.WhatchangeshavetakenplaceintheEnglishversion?Whichversionisbetter?①秦朝的时候,修建了交通要道,统一了文字和货币,并把长城连接了起来。(a)IntheQinDynasty,peoplebuiltmanyroadsystems,standardizedwritingandcoins,andlinkedtheGreatWalls.(b)During...
ActiveVSPassive I.Warm-up 1.TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.WhatchangeshavetakenplaceintheEnglishversion?Whichversionisbetter?①秦朝的时候,修建了交通要道,统一了文字和货币,并把长城连接了起来。(a)IntheQinDynasty,peoplebuiltmanyroadsystems,standardizedwritingandcoins,andlinkedtheGreatWalls.(b)During...
Passive vs Active 被动与主动('twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer),butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(thepatient).Scientistsclassifyglassasasolid.Gl...
Active voice also helps grab a reader’s attention by making the sentence feel more energetic. When a writer uses passive voice too often, readers can more easily lose interest in the piece of writing. But, that doesn’t mean that there are no occasions in which passive voice should be ...
passiveactivephosphorousdoer被动式preciselyin 1.English:apassive-featuredlanguage 1.1.ReasonsforthepopularityofpassivevoiceinEnglish. ---theconsiderationoftheagent a.Don'twanttofocusonwhoisdoinganaction(theagent,doer), butonwhoisreceivingorexperiencingtheaction(the patient). Scientistsclassify...
We can map high speed limits in terms of risk vs. benefit: Now, I like driving fast. And I like my Amazon Prime free two-day shipping. And I’m not eager to have my 45-minute commute become a hour-and-a-half commute. I am, in other words, a typical American: pretty much willi...
Passive learning vs. Active learning Teaching that remains a one-way transfer of information from instructor to student is now a widely-criticized pedagogical model, accepted as being a poor way to motivate students to learn. But those models can be updated: ...
voice was focused with laser precision and the snare drums were snappy. I was completely mesmerized during the bridge towards the end of the song where the back-up vocalists were singing "me on me" and Steven comes in with "rain all the truth". The surround envelope in this recording ...