When you limit the port range, use the following commands to define the range and the idle timeout for data connections: passive-idle-timeout passive-port-max passive-port-min This command is relevant when you allow or require the use of passive mode. In other words, this command is relev...
或者开放某些端口,并在 vsftpd.conf 文件中设置 ## Set passive ports range。 PASV 模式具体交互逻辑如下: Active mode(主动模式 PORT) 在主动模式下,Client 发送 PORT 命令到 FTP Server 以告知采用主动模式连接,然后将 Client 开放的端口发送给服务器等待服务器的连接。 PORT 模式具体交互逻辑如下: 2. 两种工...
复制 # Port rangeforpassive connections replies.-forfirewalling.PassivePortRange3900040000 注意: 如果上方PassivePortRange 39000 40000被注释,需要取消注释, 注意:笔者测试过更换端口范围(3000 4000),然而会导致超时连接,不知道为何, 所以请使用默认端口范围(39000 40000), _阿里云_ECS -> 配置安全组规则 ->入...
一、原因:打开了客户端的PASV模式,服务器上的FTP进行TCP/IP筛选,仅允许特定的端口可以被客户端连接,所以无法使用PASV方式,出现 Entering Passive Mode 二:解决方法:1、客户端登录FTP服务器 2、用passive命令关闭客户端的PASV,命令截图如下:3.再次执行该命令就可以启用PASV模式 三、注意事项:FTP工...
在passive 模式下,服务端的 data channel 使用一个随机的端口(其 range 可配置); 两个通信通道,和端口使用情况,简化示意图如下: 3 FTP 的 ACTIVE 工作模式详解 所谓ACTIVE 工作模式,是指 FTP SERVER 端主动发起并建立了到客户端的 TCP 连接,此时 FTP SERVER 端是 TCP 连接的发起方,而 FTP CLIENT 是 TCP ...
选择“Passive mode settings”选项卡,勾选“Use the following IP:”并填写服务器的IP地址,之后点击“OK”保存; 接下来的提示信息中不再提示上述问题; 另外上面的设置中如果没有设置“Use custom port range”,那么在客户端连接服务端读取目录时就会报以下的错误:响应: 425 Can't open data connection for trans...
This command is relevant you allow or require the use of passive mode and you limit port usage to a specific range. In other words, this command is relevant when both of the following conditions are met: The value of thepassivecommand is any keyword exceptdisallow. ...
I have an FTP server that the only cost effective way i can see to forward FTP traffic in Azure is through a load balancer. Once i had it set up, it only allows me to add one port to a rule. I have a passive range set up so i need a range of ports. If…
While passive mode FTP solves many of the problems from the client side, it opens up a whole range of problems on the server side. The biggest issue is the need to allow any remote connection to high numbered ports on the server. Fortunately, many FTP daemons, including the popular WU-...
pure-ftpd 开启 Passive Mode 前提FTP客户端:WinSCP Centos 7.8 (64位) pure-ftpd (笔者这里是使用 宝塔面板 安装的) WinSCP 开启 Passive Mode pure-ftpd 开启 Passive...CentOS 下安装 pure-ftpd,路径则为: /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf 修改 配置文件 pure-ftpd.conf 找到如下内容: # Port range for...