What are the 8 cranial bones? The eight cranial bones are the bones surrounding the brain. They include the frontal bone, parietal bones (2), temporal bones (2), occipital bone, sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone.What are the Cranial Bones? Cranial bones are often known as the skull. They...
Among all of them, the ethmoid bone is the most important element, for two reasons: first, it makes the greatest portion of the nasal skeletal framework by forming the roof and walls of the nasal cavities; and second, it contains ethmoidal cells which, as a group, are one of the four...
eyebrow/brows眉毛;eyelash睫毛;eyelid眼皮/眼睑; eyeball眼珠;whiteoftheeye眼白;cornea角膜; conjunctiva结膜;iris虹膜;sclera巩膜;pupil瞳孔;choroid 脉络膜;retina视网膜;opticdisc视神经盘;maculalutea视 网膜黄斑;aqueoushumor(眼球的)水状体;lens(眼球的) 第1页 . 晶状体;vitreousbody(眼球的)玻璃体;ciliarybody(...
Separation of mucoperiosteal flap is started more anteriorly than lower part of vertical plate of medial nasal turbinate, more posteriorly than posterior fontanella of maxillary sinus and is performed until perpendicular plate of palatine bone and ethmoidal crest are exposed. After that cauterisation ...
ethmoidal sinus筛窦;pterion翼点;cranial fontanelles颅囟;radius桡骨;ulna尺骨;metacarpal bone掌骨;phalange指骨/趾骨;hip bone髋骨;ischium坐骨;pubis耻骨;acetabulum髋臼;patella髌骨;fibula腓骨;fibrous joint纤维连结;cartilaginous joint软骨连结;synosteosis骨性结合;spinal nerve脊神经;spinal ganglia脊神经节;cervical ...
ted bones. Above the superior turbinated bone is a space between it and the roof known as the recessus sphenoethmoidalis, into the back of which thesphenoidal air sinusopens. How do researchers study the mechanism of predictive coding?Learn how researchers investigate the mechanism of “...
The paranasal sinuses are sets of paired single or multiple cavities of variable size. Most of their development takes place after birth, and they reach their final size toward age 20. The sinuses are located in four different skull bones—the maxilla, the frontal, the ethmoid, and the sphen...