There are two particular features of cortical organization related to the design of electrodes. First, despite the multiplicity of high level functions produced in the cortex, there is a common organization to the cell bodies, the axons, and their interconnection. Second, the system is arranged ...
18、anatomicalrelationships and the distance within the asterion, the anteriorangle of parietomastoid sutures and the adjacent bone structures were studied with dried skulls. ─── 研究干性颅骨标本外侧面星点、顶乳突缝前角与周围解剖结构的距离及其位置关系。 19、Bonyanatomicaldata were measured for25 ad...
For a long time, because of its location at the skull base level, the sphenoid bone was rather mysterious as it was too difficult for anatomists to reach a
The ethmoid bone, whose internal projections (turbinals) bear the majority of olfactory epithelium, is greatly variable in bats (Allen, 1882; Bhatnagar & Kallen, 1974b; Curtis et al., 2017, 2020; Eiting et al., 2014; Ito et al., 2021; Smith et al., 2012, 2021). Some of this ...
International Journal of Anatomical Variations has got h-index 21, which means every article in International Journal of Anatomical Variations has got 21 average citations.Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Anatomical Variations....
This work included an exhaustive study of the osseous nasal anatomy of the domestic cat carried out through dissections, bone trepanations and sectional anatomy. With the use of OsiriX viewer, the DICOM images were postprocessed to obtaining maximum-intensity projection and volume-rendering ...
In contrast to the vast majority of reptiles, the skulls of adult crown birds are characterized by a high degree of integration due to bone fusion, e.g., an ontogenetic event generating a net reduction in the number of bones. To understand this process i
The skulls and mandibles were prepared and cleaned using standard method. All of the characteristic features of various standards views of the skulls bones, including dorsal, lateral, caudal and midsagittal, and the lateral and caudal views of the mandibles as well as the foramina of the ...
The nasolacrimal canal is placed at the anterior part of the inferior lateral wall of the orbit and opens to the inferior nasal meatus. The canal can be obstructed by acquired diseases such as dacryocystitis and post-traumatic epiphora due to nasoorbitoethmoidal fractures. Furthermore in nasola...