The nuclei of elements consists of positively charged protons which repel each other. The strong force is responsible for holding together the protons with the neutrons. The mass of nuclei is always less than the sum of the masses of the protons and neutr...
I am confused about the mass-energy equivalence relation as it applies to nuclei and nucleons. For nuclei, I read of a "mass defect." Naively, I supposed...
If the gravitational force of two identical particles is equal to the electrostatic force between proton (p) and electron (e), what is the mass m of the particles? The magnitude of the charge of electron and proton is e = 4.8 x 10 minus ...
The energy of a body at rest contains, in addition to the rest energies of its constituent particles, the kinetic energy of the particles and the energy of their interactions with one another. In other words, mc2 is not equal to Σ ma c2 (where ma are the masses of the particles), an...
Energy conservation requires that the particles inside, and outside the EH has the same value of e, and is created at equal distances from the EH, (1-r_in=r_out-1). Global energy conservations force then the mass of the particle below the EH to be negative, and equal to minus the...
Ratio of mass loss of target material to mass of erosion particles F : Applied force F s : Coefficient related to shape of particles F(α): Function of impact angle H 1 : Penetration depth of first single particle H 2 : Penetration depth of second par...
A particle executes a uniform circular motion when the net force that acts on it is directed radially inward. This net force is known as the centripetal force. The centripetal force that a particle experiences during uniform circular motion is equa...
If the gravitational force of two identical particles is equal to the electrostatic force between proton (p) and electron (e), what is the mass m of the particles? The magnitude of the charge of electron and proton is e = 4.8 x 10 minus 10 esu (CGS...
To investigate a wide range of parameter combinations, we varied the leg inclination, mass and moment of inertia of the particles (see Fig. 1a–d). The excitation frequency and amplitude were fixed to f = 80 Hz and A = 66 μm, respectively, which ensures stable quasi-two-...
Forces and Exchange particles Quarks Remember the family of ordinary matter consists of only 4 particles, (not counting their antiparticles) quark u d lepton (electron) e Lepton (electron. The mass numbers on the left and right of the equations must be equal. ...