Interaction of a System of Four Particles through a Random Unique SourceTo this purpose, one uses the result that quantum phenomena in the Euclidean formulation of the theory are due to a stochastic space-time background interaction, whose essence is the time derivative of the Wiener process. ...
Three types of brain fluids, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), interstitial fluid (ISF), and blood plasma (BP), are moving and mixing constantly to support tissue chemical homeostasis and brain plasticity [28]. ISF moves around the brain parenchymal cells, whereas CSF fills the larger spaces within an...
In this work, we investigate six helicity amplitudes of the four-body B_{(s)} \rightarrow (\pi \pi )(K\bar{K}) decays via an angular analysis in the perturbative QCD (PQCD) approach. The \pi \pi invariant mass spectrum is dominated by the vector resonance \rho (770) together with...
Previous in utero exposure studies found effects on the male reproductive system (i.e. reduced testicular sperm counts) in offspring from pregnant mice exposed to CB particles by intratracheal instillation. Here, we hypothesized that similar effects would be induced when using the most relevant route...
To overcome potential clogging of the back-pressure regulator as well as mitigating the risk of having solid particles in the flow cell (which would perturb signal acquisition), we leveraged a technique we developed for this and other reactions previously [39]. Once the reaction stream has ...
At what speed is a particles kinetic energy K equal to its rest mass energy mc^2? Remember that the kinetic energy is K = E - mc^2. A particle has a rest mass of 6.56x10^-27kg and a momentum of 2.02x10^-18kg...
In this model we suppose that the Earth and Moon are revolving in circular orbits around their center of mass (barycenter) and the Earth-Moon barycenter is moving in a circular orbit around the center of mass of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. This model can be suitable to take into ...
(48) meltable in the molten electrolyte, the plate inserts (48) preferably made of aluminum and are capable of melting to create hollow vertical slots (52) at the bottom of the anode facilitating any gas bubbles (60) generated to channel to the side of the anode into the electrolyte (12...
As a first step, we can only restrict ourselves to the specific kinematical config- urations in which each two particles fly colinearly and two pairs of final state particles recoil back in the rest frame of the B meson, see Fig. 1. Then the dynamics associated with the pair of final ...
Abalone amyotrophia is a viral disease that causes mass mortality of juvenile Haliotis discus and H. madaka. Although the cause of this disease has yet to be identified, we had previously postulated a novel virus with partial genome sequence similarity t