PARTICIPLES & PARTICIPIAL PHRASES Participles can be found at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, but they MUST BE relatively close to the noun or pronoun they modify. Participles are ONE WORD. Participial phrases consist of that ONE WORD plus modifiers (all the words that refer to ...
Commas and Participial Phrases A participial phrase that is placed at the beginning of a sentence is always set off by commas. Running from the law, a burglar slipped in the mud. Other participial phrases may or may not need commas. Do they or don’t they? If the phrase is necessary to...
Participles, Participial Phrases, and Prepositional Phrases GUM Unit 4 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
Participial phrases consist of a participle along with all of its modifiers and complements. "Modifiers and complements" refer to any adjectives, adverbs, predicate nouns, predicate adjectives, direct objects, and more. Here are three examples. Notice that each phrase is acting as an adjective. (...
Function:1.Participialphrasesenableyoutoworkconcretedetailsintoyoursentenceswithoutactuallyincreasingthenumberofsentencesneeded.2.Participialphrasesinvitedetails Examples:Themanagerfellasleepinhisoffice,exhaustedbecausehehadworkedverylatethenightbeforeandsnoringloudenoughtowakethedead.Excitedattheinterestingplotofthe...
And one last example: Beating you over the head with examples, I hope to make you understand participial phrases. “Beating you over the head with examples” is the participial phrase modifying the subject, “I.”“Beating” is the participle in the phrase “beating you over the head with ...
Participles and Participial Phrases Advertisements
Participles and Participial Phrases. The Participle A verb form That can be used as an adjective. Verbals. Gerunds, infinitives, and participles, are words that originate from verbs. They can be confusing because they are like verbs and at the same. ...
PARTICIPIAL PHRASES Wearing a sheet with eyeholes, little Manfred went trick-or-treating as a mattress. Hungry, desperate vegetarians marching in front of the capitol declared that cows are plants. Wearing a long veil and a bikini, the bride shocked the wedding guests. ...
Phrases What is a phrase? A group of words functioning as a single part of speech. A participial phrase is a participle with its modifiers and complements—all working as an adjective. Example The fire station located nearby promptly responded to the fire. We saw the hawk soaring effortlessly...